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Community Groups: Are They Asking the Right Questions? - Ron Edmondson
Ben Reed is our Director of Community Groups. One of the best decisions we have made, as a church is to take a chance on a young man who had no experience in this area, wasn’t yet finished with seminary, and wasn’t really looking for this type of position. Still, Ben has an incredible heart, he’s extremely mature, and he’s the type of guy an organization is smart to grab before someone else does.
Ron Edmondson,
Sunday Word of the Week: Sovereign
By Elizabeth Prata In addition to the familiar Bible verses speaking to God’s sovereignty, one of which is at the conclusion of this essay, there is a famous quote from RC Sproul that exalts …
Elizabeth Prata,
Sunday Word of the Week: Sovereign
By Elizabeth Prata In addition to the familiar Bible verses speaking to God’s sovereignty, one of which is at the conclusion of this essay, there is a famous quote from RC Sproul that exalts …
Elizabeth Prata,
Sunday Word of the Week: Sovereign
By Elizabeth Prata In addition to the familiar Bible verses speaking to God’s sovereignty, one of which is at the conclusion of this essay, there is a famous quote from RC Sproul that exalts …
Elizabeth Prata,
Further Thoughts on Being Chosen by God - Emmanuel Baptist Church
In this week’s message we discussed election, God’s choice of whom He would save, made before the foundation of the world. We saw this in passages like Ephesians 1:4-5: “…he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for
Chris Hutchison,
Look to the Future -- And Press On!
It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone already. Time seems to pass more quickly as we get older. As C.S. Lewis sai…
Russ Sharrock,
The Sovereignty of God
“I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what…
Russ Sharrock,
Passion and Vision… Amidst Terror - Refiner's Fire
In the midst of all that I share below, the terror never lifted. Everyday began as I shared here in a previous post. Rarely did I share my internal terror – the responses I got were too painful. God’s gifts of passion and vision. 1971 After the birth of my third child, I cried
Wanda Parker,
The Truth About Evil
This series, first published in January of 2017, answers many of the common questions—asked today by believers and unbelievers alike—about why evil flourishes in this world while God remains sovereign over it. -ed. How can a good and powerful God tolerate all the evil in the world? That question—frequently posed by skeptics and liberal theologians—is
John MacArthur,
Passion and Vision… Amidst Terror
In the midst of all that I share below, the terror never lifted. Everyday began as I shared here in a previous post. Rarely did I share my internal terror – the responses I got were too pain…
Wanda Parker,

Group of Brands