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The Gift of a Story
Just over a year ago, my sweet mama had a stroke that left her with an impaired memory. Events of her recent past have been erased, causing her to struggle in her understanding of the present. Wha…
Vickie Munton,
The Best Parenting Advice I've Gotten in a Long Time — I.N.F.O. For Families
I had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Rob Rienow of Visionary Family Ministries at Johnson Ferry this past weekend. He spoke to nearly 600 parents over three different hours, sharing the message that parents have a calling and responsibility to disciple the kids in their home. But in the middle of h
Barrett Johnson,
How to Disciple Your Kids...Badly — I.N.F.O. For Families
"If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing...badly." We can dream about the "right" way to teach our kids and to pray with them and to share spiritual truth, but usually our dreams involve great big plans that we never get around to doing. So we end up doing nothing.
Barrett Johnson,
The Best Parenting Advice I've Gotten in a Long Time — I.N.F.O. For Families
I had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Rob Rienow of Visionary Family Ministries at Johnson Ferry this past weekend. He spoke to nearly 600 parents over three different hours, sharing the message that parents have a calling and responsibility to disciple the kids in their home. But in the middle of h
Barrett Johnson,
Dear Derek
In your message you asked if I had any advice for you and your wife as you begin your journey as parents. Thanks for asking. I am always a little dumbstruck when I discover that people actually rea…
Lisa Price,
Dear Derek
In your message you asked if I had any advice for you and your wife as you begin your journey as parents. Thanks for asking. I am always a little dumbstruck when I discover that people actually rea…
Lisa Price,
5 Simple Ways to Teach Faith to Your Children
Long before Sunday school and professional Christian workers, God provided simple guidelines to help parents raise their children in the faith.
Revive Our Hearts,
Is it Biblical to Celebrate Halloween? (Part 2) - Be Whole, Mom
Do you feel led to seek out the Word and what our Abba feels in regards to Halloween? Is there an unsettling in your heart about these things that is drawing you to ask questions and seek understanding? If so, I pray that this post series satisfies your soul and leads you to keep digging … Read More about Is it Biblical to Celebrate Halloween? (Part 2)
Julie Ann Filter,

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