Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Launching Your Summer — iWork4Him
Life sure changes when school lets out for summer break. Let’s focus on how it can impact our family life this summer. How can we put our iWork4Him thinking into practice during the summer?
Jim Brangenberg,
Parenting Truths You Can Use in Relationships | Blogs for Christian Living
I’ve asked many people how to handle various relationship situations. There’s been plenty of good advice. Through it all, I’ve learned a few truths.
Mark Henslee,
One easy way to connect God and children | Christie Thomas
There are many ways to connect God and children, but they can seem like a ton of extra work! Let’s bring it right back to this one incredibly simple idea…
Christie Thomas,
Parents, Don't Let the Culture Raise Your Kids
Children are not ours to possess; they belong to the Lord. And we want to do everything we can to point them back to Him. Children are not ours to mold but to unfold and discover the unique people God created them to be.
Greg Laurie,
A Message to Discouraged Dads for Father's Day
By Greg Laurie – I think fathers are the unsung heroes of our culture. I want to offer a word of encouragement to all of them.
Greg Laurie,
Best gifts for children as Christians
Having kids is one of the most beautiful gifts that God could give to His people. Becoming a parent brings undefined joy and satisfaction. It teaches you what true love means and how God loves us so much.We all want to give them the best life and everything we have...
Jepryll Torremoro,
How To Teach Your Child About God In 30-Second Moments - Little Shoots, Deep Roots
How to teach your child about God effectively without feeling like you have to DO it all or KNOW it all, starting 30-seconds at a time.
Christie Thomas,
Not Just Vermin or Garbage: Our Calling to Reach Street Children - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
I encourage you to read what Doug has to say about the great needs worldwide, then ask God how you can help make a difference in these children’s lives.
Randy Alcorn,
Mr. Ratburn And Our Children
​”If we let the world raise our children, we can’t be surprised if they come to love the world rather than God.”​​ ​
Chrys Jones,
To the World One Family at a Time
Paul understood that his life’s work was “to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God” (Ephesians 3:8-9). But how exactly did he do that? How does anyone do that? When you think of Paul and the apostles’ preaching, you probably imagine grand public sermons preached to riveted audiences of eager listeners. In the beginning, there was some of that. In the first half of Acts, our definitive hi
Cole Feix,

Group of Brands