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Seasons of Time - Jewell Utt
Time slips past. Months feel like weeks. Years like months. The good is, if time is a healer, bad simply has to wait a week or two. The bad is, great vacations and good times end too abruptly. So what’s the answer? Be content in season and out. When things are good be thankful, and when things are... [Read More]
Jewell Utt,
The Soothing Gifts of Winter Mindfulness - Serenity in Suffering
Winter with its stillness, beckons us to rest and reflection. Embracing this time, blesses me with the soothing gifts of winter mindfulness.
Donna Bucher,
Seasons of Time - Jewell Utt
Time slips past. Months feel like weeks. Years like months. The good is, if time is a healer, bad simply has to wait a week or two. The bad is, great vacations and good times end too abruptly. So what’s the answer? Be content in season and out. When things are good be thankful, and when things are... [Read More]
Jewell Utt,
100 Things Creatives Can Do With Their Time
March of 2020. We find ourselves in an extraordinary, unprecedented time. With the current sequestering and social distancing now going on, there seems this invisible, heavy fog of uncertainty and …
Manuel A. Luz,
We Are Born Where? - Bravester
God personally got involved in creation. He didn’t choose stardust or gold dust to create us, He chose dirt and created wondrously beautiful creatures.
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea,
Patterns & Cycles
“Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs, and all their kinsmen under their command” (1 Chronicles 12:32). Issachar was one of the twelve so…
Anneta Pinto,
Learning How to Balance It All
I like routine. But life happens. And life is seldom routine. No matter what stage of life you find yourself in, there is always a need for balance. Some days I just feel like I am shuffling neglec…
Vickie Munton,
Friendship Breakups: What does the Bible say about ending friendships?
I used to have a pretty idyllic vision about what my friendships would look like (spoiler alert: there are multiple chapters on this topic in my upcoming book! But as with a lot of things in my life, I realized my expectations weren’t aligned with God’s promises. I went through a painful and unexpected friendship break up that left my head spinning. Am I worthy of friendship? Why do I always feel like the girl without her “people”? Did I do something wrong? Is this God’s plan for friendships? Ma
Molly Wilcox,
Deliverance prayers: I remove my name from demonic calendars
CHANGING TIMES AND SEASONS Anchor scripture: Psalm 31:15, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8;9:12, Dan. 2:21, Matt. 16:3, Psalm 19:1-2, Psalm 121:6; Eph. 5:16 INTRODUCTION All that man will ever be is programme…
Babatope Babalobi,
Bible Verses to Lift Your Spirit in Autumn
Today on Turning Mountains into Molehills’ devotional, I share a friend’s look at Bible verses to life your spirits in Autumn
Yvonne M. Morgan,

Group of Brands