Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants to Cuddle? 11 Things It Means - Olubunmi Mabel
I love cuddling; I can’t get enough of it! There’s something so comforting and intimate about being wrapped up in someone’s arms, feeling their warmth and heartbeat. Okay, to be more specific, I love cuddling with my husband, not just any random guy. lol. Are there people who don’t love cuddling? I’m sure there are, …
Olubunmi Mabel,
Greenleaf Recap Season 3 Episode 4: The Underdog… - After the Altar Call
Hello World, Since the title of tonight’s Greenleaf episode was named “The Underdog,” this Greenleaf Recap Season 3 Episode 4 will explore that theme through the titles of some famous movies that featured underdogs! Facing the Giants… As indicated by last week’s episode, Lady Mae travels to Atlanta to see her old friend Maxine Patterson, who […]
Jacqueline J. Holness,
What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants to Cuddle? 11 Things It Means - Olubunmi Mabel
I love cuddling; I can’t get enough of it! There’s something so comforting and intimate about being wrapped up in someone’s arms, feeling their warmth and heartbeat. Okay, to be more specific, I love cuddling with my husband, not just any random guy. lol. Are there people who don’t love cuddling? I’m sure there are, …
Olubunmi Mabel,
Roots Thanksgiving
November 11th 2019 sees 100 years in Britain celebrating Remembrance Day. Of late, unsung Black War Veterans are now being mentioned in the main service held at the Cenotaph in Whitehall as…
Kelleigh Wooderson-Hudson,
How Many Friends Do You Really Need?
We all need people in our lives. We don’t just need associates or acquaintances; we need friends. Even the most introverted introvert needs friends. We were created to live in relationship with others—certainly with God but also with other real live human beings.
Lynn H. Pryor,
Why Fish Need Each Other (and Why You Need the Church)
Lately, I have been learning a few things about fish. And along the way, I’ve learned a few things about the church. For instance, I assumed the fish that traveled alone was the fish that sur…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Being INTENTIONAL (A Five Minute Friday Link-Up) - Lauren Sparks
Image by Massililiano Sarno My husband and I just celebrated 19 years of marriage. And now as I sit in the space of time between our anniversary and Valentine’s Day, I can’t help but think about how INTENTIONAL we are about maintaining a solid union. As parents of a special needs child, the odds of […]
Lauren Sparks,
Marriage prayers:Let God arise for my marriage
CONFESSION Isaiah 59:19: So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west and this glory from the rising of the sun. Ecclesiastes. 4: 9-12: “Two are better than one, because they have a good …
Babatope Babalobi,
Why Fish Need Each Other … and Why You Need the Church
Lately, I have been learning a few things about fish. And along the way, I’ve learned a few things about the church. For instance, I assumed the fish that traveled alone was the fish that sur…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Clean Out the Roots in Your Life | Blogs for Christian Living
When we are willing to take the time and do the hard work of resolving the root issues we can live a clean life before the Lord.
Mark Henslee,

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