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6 Effective Ways for Silencing the Inner Critic - Jeanne Takenaka
We need to know when silencing the inner critic is necessary. At times, that inner critic helps us when we’ve gone in a wrong direction. It can turn us onto a healthier path. But when we give it too much authority in our lives, the inner critic demeans us and undermines our confidence.
Jeanne Takenaka,
Singing My Part — Ami Loper
I had a revelation a few Sundays ago as I worshiped standing next to the Hubs. Something has changed over the years, most unexpectedly. There is beauty to be heard in harmony that there isn’t in sameness. But most of us can’t find the harmony because we lack the essential element necessary. #confide
Ami Loper,
When No One Appreciates your Worth, Remember your Creator
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." -Ephesians 2:10Have you ever felt like you have been doing everything to let others know your worth, yet it seems that you are never enough? If you are...
Jepryll Torremoro,
What's It Going to Take? — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Journey — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life
What is it going to take? What is it going to take to become the person that you have always wanted to be? What is it going to take to leave your pain and regrets in the past so that you are able to fully embrace the joy that is singular to today? What is it going to take to live with fearless
Carol McLeod,
Build Self-Confidence and Respect Like Deborah - Lisa Marcelina
To build self-confidence and respect ensures we live a life filled with purpose and meaning. Self-confidence means gaining respect of others.
Lisa Marcelina Granger,
Family Health History Matters - Charlaine Martin
Knowing your family health history is like a time capsule that unfolds in your life and future generations. This information can equip you to speak with your doctor productively and prepare for, avoid, or manage serious health problems.
Charlaine Martin,
Pro-Active Aging & Chronic Illness - Charlaine Martin
Indeed, the holidays are not easy with chronic pain and fatigue after 50! But we can find ways to do so, even in winter with snow flurries and bitter cold.
Charlaine Martin,
Pro-Active Aging & Chronic Illness - Charlaine Martin
Indeed, the holidays are not easy with chronic pain and fatigue after 50! But we can find ways to do so, even in winter with snow flurries and bitter cold.
Charlaine Martin,
Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes
For this weekly photo challenge the objective was to create a three-picture story: What do you do with soft apples? While the obvious answer might be “make applesauce”, feeding them to…
Vickie Munton,
You Have a Calling on Your Life - Damon J. Gray
I am not a doctor and I know very little about anatomy and physiology. I had never heard of a condition called Bilateral Pulmonary Embolism until early 2012. That year, I stared death straight in the face on two separate occasions. I want to share those experiences, not to sensationalize them, but rather to solidify…
Damon J. Gray,

Group of Brands