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Friday’s Featured Sermon: “Living Faith”
Demons—in spite of their relentless hostility to God—are essentially sound in key aspects of Christian theology. Scripture reveals a demonic horde well-versed in Christology, eschatology (Matthew 8:29), and ecclesiastical authority (Acts 19:15). James exclaims, “Even the demons believe—and tremble!” (James 2:19, NKJV). When James points out that reality, he is warning his readers not to
John MacArthur,
Don't Be Polluted
Don’t Be Polluted I love Jesus. Anyone who knows me well knows that, and they also know that I love the Holy Spirit. I talk about Him constantly. I also frequently talk about how I believe the...
Donna Sparks,
Don't Be Polluted
Don’t Be Polluted I love Jesus. Anyone who knows me well knows that, and they also know that I love the Holy Spirit. I talk about Him constantly. I also frequently talk about how I believe the...
Donna Sparks,
Bible Verses to Memorize to Remember your Worth
Memorizing scripture is critical to success as a believer. The Word tells us to meditate on the Word day and night (Joshua 1:8). But in a busy world, it’s easy to do quite the opposite. With so many outside voices, our thought lives can quickly drift to the series we are binging on Netflix, the to-dos of the day, or replaying the last conversation we had. A few weeks ago, I got stuck in my head over a conversation I had had. During the conversation, a friend had said something about me that she
Molly Wilcox,
Saved By The Grace Of God
God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Ephesians 2:8 What did Paul mean when he said that
Robin McKinley,
What Is The Grace Of God? - Raising Zion
It is only the grace of God that has kept us alive thus far. In Christ lies our sufficiency and strength. He is all we need for everything.
Nehemiah Zion,
The Two Bikes
A pushbike A motorbike “ O God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places: the God of Israel is he that g…
Emily van Rijn,
Are You Religious Or Spiritual?
Religious people often refer to themselves as righteous people. This post will examine the difference between a religious person and a righteous or spiritual pe
Robin McKinley,
Are You Religious Or Spiritual?
Religious people often refer to themselves as righteous people. This post will examine the difference between a religious person and a righteous or spiritual pe
Robin McKinley,
Where is your God now? – Carry on My Heart
Where is your God now? This is the question on so many lips when disastor strikes, disease invades and death hits too close to home. So, where is He?
Susan Mcilmoil,

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