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KIMI Curriculums Are Different - Kids in Ministry International
Children's Church Curriculum and Sunday School Lessons for Spirit-filled, Pentecostal, an charismatic churches to equip you to disciple children to walk in the supernatural power of God. Training and resources for Spirit Filled kids ministry church leaders, parents, and kids.
Becky Fischer,
What Makes Us Different than Other Children’s Ministries?
We salute children's ministries everywhere. We're all on the same team winning kids. But we have to step up our game. Here's what makes us different.
Becky Fischer,
KIMI Curriculums Are Different - Kids in Ministry International
Children’s Church Curriculum and Sunday School Lessons for Spirit-filled, Pentecostal, an charismatic churches to equip you to disciple children to walk in the supernatural power of God. Training and resources for Spirit Filled kids ministry church leaders, parents, and kids.
Becky Fischer,
Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire
Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire This general list gives you a simple way of checking to see what God is already doing in your life. You can identify some of the gifts you see in yourself. It is a si…
Geoff Waugh,
External versus Internal Focus – Attempts at Honesty
I’ve been involved in some discussions recently regarding the focus of the church. Should our focus be toward the outside to bring new people in or should our focus be on building people up that are already in the church?
Mark H. McIntyre,
Grow in Christlike Maturity
“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28). Paul taught the early church about the role of the five f…
Anneta Pinto,
How Yo Be A Young Believer In The Last Days? - Raising Zion
What does it mean to be a young Christian in the last days? Paul, writing to young Timothy, charges him with a responsibility considering the times. It’s critical we understand how he begins with the impending judgement on the earth. How Jesus will do the judging – not a common message these days. Today it’s […]
Nehemiah Zion,
Empowering the king’s servants (Ephesians 4:10-13)
The gospel of the Lord is the good news of his kingdom — his kingship restored to the earth in his anointed. Here it is in summary: Ephesians 4 10 He who descended is the very one who ascended high…
Allen Browne,
Why Church?
My earliest memories are sitting in the back pew of a church. I was four years old. I remember the minister preaching Truth hard and loud. Some would classify his sermons as “hell fire and brimston…
Mark Brady,
Hearing God Speak (3)
“Hear me, Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets, and you will succeed”” (2 Chronicles 20:20). The third way that I beli…
Anneta Pinto,

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