Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Removing Shame from our Relationships, part 1 - Denise Pass
When we get inspired to pursue a goal that is bigger than us we can shrink back in shame. But developing our calling is part of God’s process.
Denise Pass,
A Letter to My Parents on Their 50th Wedding Anniversary - Lauren Sparks
50 years is quite a legacy. But as great as I do think you both are, I know it takes lots of “bearing with one another in love” to make it to a 50th anniversary. If the world took that commandment more seriously, many, many more marriages would go the distance.
Lauren Sparks,
The four horsemen in your relationship
Ephesians 4:2:"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."You have probably come across the story of the four horsemen of the apocalypse in various forms, like books, movies, or discussions about the end of the world. This story originates from the Bible, particularly the Book...
Top 10 Posts of 2019 - Lauren Sparks
Looking back through my blog is a lot like reading a journal of what God has done in and through me. I hope you will click on some of the links and read these words again – or for the first time. And I pray you will continue to be reader friends into the new year. Thank you!
Lauren Sparks,
Fruit of the Spirit PATIENCE: devotional and lesson plan
The fruit of the Spirit: PATIENCE includes a full lesson, including a patience game, coloring page, and other activities.
Christie Thomas,
Do you feel distant from your spouse even when you are in the same room? You may be dealing with learned coping mechanisms from childhood.Does your marriage suffer from one of the three A’s: alienation, anger, or anxiety? I call these the “triple threat.” Any one of which will spur...
Focus on the family,
Were it Simply A Matter of Resolve
I admit it. I’m done with resolutions and “trying to do better”. How many times have we tried to start a new year off full of good intentions and resolutions, only to find oursel…
Vickie Munton,
Were it Simply A Matter of Resolve
I admit it. I’m done with resolutions and “trying to do better”. How many times have we tried to start a new year off full of good intentions and resolutions, only to find oursel…
Vickie Munton,
Gentleness - The Vulnerable Fruit of the Spirit - Bravester
Gentleness is not soft and fluffy. Gentleness is the presence of being “there” and going in again and again and again.It’s badass.
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea,
Maundy Thursday Love: What’s So New About The Old Command?
I saw a staggering thing in John 13 this week. It comes after the footwashing, and after Judas went out. And it was night.
Abigail Wallace,

Group of Brands