Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Take a Walk With Me
The benefits of walking: improves circulation, sleep and even your mood. We all know that walking is good for a long list of physical benefits, but there is more. Perspective. Walking down the co…
Vickie Munton,
Turn Over the Turtle: Saying Yes To God
It was a small thing, really, but when I swerved my car to avoid hitting it, somehow the image of that upside-down turtle wouldn’t go away. “Turn around.” It wasn’t a big bo…
Vickie Munton,
A Valentine for You! – Pathways to Organization
Last week we talked about your love life and how being organized can help! So along with that thought, I would like to share with you the one thing that really can make a difference in your life and how you relate to others.
Lane Jordan,
Encouragement for Back to School
Just a little something to remind you teachers and young moms out there– Don’t forget in all of the craziness of a school year to take time to STOP. BREATHE. FOCUS.
Vickie Munton,
The Way of Love | Ephesians 5
Welcome to Real Life . What does it mean to follow the way of love? “The way you just smiled reminded me of your mother,” Nora told me. She…
Peggi Tustan,
How to love like Jesus?
In our busy world, it is easy to lose sight of how to care for each other. Yet, when we reflect on Jesus, a unique love comes to mind.He did not merely speak of love; he demonstrated it through every action. He taught us to be kind, to understand others,...
Jepryll Torremoro,
Were it Simply A Matter of Resolve
I admit it. I’m done with resolutions and “trying to do better”. How many times have we tried to start a new year off full of good intentions and resolutions, only to find oursel…
Vickie Munton,
Were it Simply A Matter of Resolve
I admit it. I’m done with resolutions and “trying to do better”. How many times have we tried to start a new year off full of good intentions and resolutions, only to find oursel…
Vickie Munton,
A Clarification: Do We Stick It Where It Suits Us?, Part 2
This article is a follow up to my previous post called Do We Stick It Where It Suits Us? It’s a response mostly to alleviate my own r…
Stephen De La Vega,
The Day God Smacked Me With a Hoodie - Damon J. Gray
This week, I was summoned to Seattle, WA as part of a forty-three person federal jury pool from which twelve jurors would be selected to render a judgment on a criminal case involving child pornography. This required a two-and-a-half-hour drive into downtown Seattle, with its maze of congested one-way streets, and never-ending construction. In order…
Damon J. Gray,

Group of Brands