Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
What about the damage to the cheater's reputation? - Divorce Minister
“Keep it as quiet as possible. Just think about the damage done to other relationships if you tell them she cheated on you [aka the truth].” -Standard (Awful) Advice Such concern for the damage of relationships is too late in coming. Actions reveal character. Character often shapes reputation. If a cheater wanted a good reputation, … Continue reading “What about the damage to the cheater’s reputation?”
David Derksen,
Tactics In Discrediting Faithful Spouses - Divorce Minister
When I was doing my first unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), I was blessed with some amazing classmates. We worked together learning about ourselves as well as how to bring quality pastoral care to those hurting at a Trauma One center in Hartford, CT. This unit took place while I was separated from my … Continue reading “Tactics In Discrediting Faithful Spouses”
David Derksen,
Exposing the Ugly Truth - Divorce Minister
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. – Ephesians 5:11, ESV In a world where extramarital sex is glorified and the bar-hoping swinger is idolized on Rom-Com, prime-time TV, the Church is fighting an uphill battle against adultery. And it is losing. I think I can almost hear Satan … Continue reading “Exposing the Ugly Truth”
David Derksen,
My Novels Lord Foulgrin’s Letters and The Ishbane Conspiracy - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
What if we could plant a bugging device where we could overhear our enemies assessing our weaknesses?
Randy Alcorn,
But what about the damage to their reputation?! - Divorce Minister
“Keep it as quiet as possible. Just think about the damage done to other relationships if you tell them she cheated on you [aka the truth].” -Standard (Awful) Advice Such concern for the damage of relationships is too in coming late. Actions reveal character. Character often shapes reputation. If a cheater wanted a good reputation, … Continue reading “But what about the damage to their reputation?!”
David Derksen,
"Listen to yourself, Cheater, for a moment!" - Divorce Minister
“Do you hear yourself? That is what we call making excuses.” -Wise Pastor to Cheater Labeling matters appropriately does not only help the cheater, but it also helps their victim, the faithful spouse. Proper labels expose the deeds of the dark to light (see Ephesians 5:11). It is astounding to me how so-called Christian pastors … Continue reading ““Listen to yourself, Cheater, for a moment!””
David Derksen,
Cannot Un-Hear the Awful News - Divorce Minister
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. -Ephesians 5:11, NIV Usually, people who have never experienced being lied to and cheated upon for months or even years do not get it! They might think the faithful spouse better off not knowing the truth about the betrayal. But I do … Continue reading "Cannot Un-Hear the Awful News"
David Derksen,
Josh Duggar and Ashley Madison - Divorce Minister
Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. – Ephesians 5:11, NLT In the wake of the Ashley Madison hack and posting of user identities, information has come to light about embattled, eldest son of the Duggar family fame. And it is not good… For those who are … Continue reading “Josh Duggar and Ashley Madison”
David Derksen,
The Danger of Being Blissfully Lost
Cycling is great exercise. For many years, I loved to grab my bike and just ride—20 to 40 miles a day depending on my free time. I was never one of those serious riders going for speed, endurance, …
Lynn H. Pryor,
Meet the Bereans
The following blog post was originally published on August 12, 2015.—ed. I am convinced that the most dangerous lie is the one that isalmosttrue. The regenerate believer can usually see through most pseudo-Christian scams, whether they be online, on TV, or in the pulpit. But Satan doesn’t always deploy his deceptions through shallow charlatans—he also
John MacArthur,

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