Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
An Anatomy of All Parts of the Soul: A Guide to the Psalms
Psalms is one of the most popular books of the Bible, but maybe for the wrong reason. I remember a time when my quiet times consisted of turning to my favorite psalms and feeling my way through the lines. It was easy, and it made me feel good; I felt like that was one part of the Bible that didn’t require any background knowledge or in-depth study. What I really wanted was to feel like I had met with God, and the Psalms were an easy place to pluck out a verse and think that’s what I was doi…
Cole Feix,
Cheaters "under the influence" - Divorce Minister
Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit…. Ephesians 5:18, NIV What if your cheater was drunk or “under the influence” of another drug when she cheated? I actually have more hope for those marriages than the ones where a substance was not involved. My reasoning is the … Continue reading “Cheaters “under the influence””
David Derksen,
From medicine to menace: The dual nature of Marijuana in modern times
A building facade in Amsterdam.(Photo by Pixabay from Pexels)In a quaint coffee shop nestled along the cobbled streets of Amsterdam, patrons find respite from the bustling world outside. This Dutch establishment is renowned for its unique tradition: the freedom to smoke Marijuana openly.A warm, welcoming ambiance prevails inside, with the...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
Be Filled with the Spirit!
The Bible tells us to be “filled with the Spirit!” Have you ever wondered what
Greg Laurie,
Tracing the origins: Exploring ancient and biblical roots of alcoholism and drug addiction
In the Old Testament, the stories of Noah and Lot highlight human vulnerability and the consequences of alcohol. Noah, favored by God, planted a vineyard after the Great Flood. He became intoxicated with wine and slept naked in his tent. He dishonored him when his son Ham saw him, while...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
Exploring the Impact of alcoholism in the Prohibition Era
In the heart of 1920s Chicago, a clandestine gathering unfolded in the clandestine shadows of Prohibition. A group of brave souls sought entry into a hidden world of speakeasies and secret bars where the forbidden elixir of alcohol flowed freely. With a whispered password and a coy smile, they breached...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
The Rugged Individual
We like the rugged individual. The guy who stands on his own two feet. The woman who grew a successful business by working hard. It’s what made America great, right? America is the land of opportun…
Lynn H. Pryor,
The Wife of the Lamb, New Jerusalem,  Made Herself Ready (3)
In Matthew 25 the Lord spoke a parable about a wedding feast. When the bridegroom came, those who were ready went in with him to the feast. This parable is a picture of the real wedding feast, with…
Don Martin,
To See Grace in All the Things & To Give Thanks - Joyfully Pressing On
Thankfulness is the ability to see grace. When we’ve seen grace, we give thanks. And giving thanks has exactly zero to do with circumstances.
Abigail Wallace,
Is Church Discipline a Thing of the Past?
During a recent sermon, I ventured into turbulent waters—twice. I seemed determined to find something to upset one or two people. Many Christians drink alcohol. I don’t. Many Christians think…
Lynn H. Pryor,

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