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5 Important Things Every Man Wants to Hear
Our men love to hear certain things from us, according to my very wise husband. What are they? What do our guys want to hear from us? Here are 5 great suggestions. Why not drop by and check them out?
Melanie Redd,
A marriage that is founded on mutual respect brings you closer to God
“However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”Ephesians 5:33If your partner and you build a life on mutual respect, you create a strong foundation for your marriage and draw closer to God. Ephesians 5:33, a guiding light...
Kathleen Orenza,
5 Important Things Every Man Wants to Hear - Melanie Redd
What can you say to the man in your life that will inspire him and lift him up? Here are 5 Important Things Every Man Wants to Hear.
Melanie Redd,
Praying for Jon and Kate…and for the Rest of Us — I.N.F.O. For Families
When the movie Fireproof came out a year ago, I read a secular review that criticized the plot because it was too “trite.” The reviewer commented that it was silly to see a marriage falling apart simply because the husband failed to lovingly romance his wife and the wife didn’t show respect to her h
Barrett Johnson,
How am I not respecting my spouse?
Are you sure you are not disrespecting your spouse?Sometimes, we may believe our actions are acceptable until we notice changes in how our spouse interacts with us. There could be many factors to consider why a person changes, but we may not be aware that it could be because of...
Jepryll Torremoro,
If a Wife Wants to Encourage a Husband - Ron Edmondson
I keep this note, attached to this picture, on my desk at the office. When I look at it, I’m inspired to dream bigger dreams, work harder, make better choices, and press on throughout all difficulties. Ladies, we are pretty simple as men….seriously…we are…if you want us to soar, tell us you are proud of us. Tell us you believe in us! Tell us we are great at what we do! That’s about all it takes! Men, do you agree?
Ron Edmondson,
Praying for Jon and Kate…and for the Rest of Us — I.N.F.O. For Families
When the movie Fireproof came out a year ago, I read a secular review that criticized the plot because it was too “trite.” The reviewer commented that it was silly to see a marriage falling apart simply because the husband failed to lovingly romance his wife and the wife didn’t show respect to her h
Barrett Johnson,
When God Makes Me Laugh Out Loud — I.N.F.O. For Families
There are times when God makes me serious. There are times when He makes me humble. There are even times when His activity and presence makes me cry. But the times I like best are the times when God makes me laugh out loud. As in: God just showed up in a way that shows He has an amazing sense of hum
Barrett Johnson,
To marry or to not? That is the question
Ephesians 5:33:"However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband."You have been with your partner for a long time now. They have proposed, and in the excitement and pressure of the moment, you said yes. But now, as...
5 Important Things Every Man Wants to Hear
Our men love to hear certain things from us, according to my very wise husband. What are they? What do our guys want to hear from us? Here are 5 great suggestions. Why not drop by and check them out?
Melanie Redd,

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