Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Scripture Challenge: Leviticus
This has been an incredible week, and I’m still claiming Exodus 15:2, how about you? I have absolutely loved that verse, and thankful that it’s now hiding in my heart… Now for the…
Vickie Munton,
Financial breakthroughs: Let God fight for me
GOD THE WARRIOR “The Lord will fight for you: you need only to be still – Ex. 14:14 “He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God and i will exalt him THE LORD IS A WA…
Babatope Babalobi,
My Strength and My Song
Tens of thousands of songs. Dozens of albums. Scores of scripts and screenplays. Hundreds of blog posts. Thousands of worship services. A few books and manuscripts and patents. No small amount of time well beyond the 10,000 Hour Rule. Did I waste my life? Does my work matter? Have I expressed my faith well? Have I stewarded the talents God gave me in a way that actually made a difference—in the lives of people and in the furthering of His Kingdom?
Manuel A. Luz,
The Power of Words: Hallelujah
You would think that writing about so simple a word as “Hallelujah” would be easy. But it’s not. I remember years ago hearing a respected preacher say that the root of the word meant “thousands” and so “Hallelujah” means to praise the Lord a thousand times. I objected and was told that obviously my
Dvora Elisheva,
Biblical things to remember on hard days
Finding comfort in timeless knowledge during life's storms is a compass that leads us through difficult waters. In this article, we embarked on a journey of rediscovery and illuminating the biblical truths that provide unwavering solace on trying days. Moreover, we will explore how to put these principles into practice,...
Via Valenzuela,
Encouragement Happens in a Thousand Ways -
Hello Sisters in Christ, Of all the ways you’ve been encouraged in life, what has meant most to you? Has it been genuine words of affirmation, that made you feel valued and appreciated? Has it been an unexpected act of service that took the burden off your shoulders and afforded … Read More
Jennifer Waddle,
Guarding the dead (Matthew 27:55–66)
Burial is a sign of respect. Even today in the Middle East, there’s an urgency to burying someone, not leaving them unburied (Deuteronomy 21:23). As Jesus was crucified on Friday of Passover week, …
Allen Browne,
Finding Hope and Peace: Bible Verses to Help You Refresh Your Spirit
Life can be full of ups and downs, and feeling lost or overwhelmed is not uncommon. During these difficult moments, finding hope and peace can seem like an impossible task. However, the Bible is an excellent source of strength and inspiration. Its verses have helped countless people throughout history find solace and comfort in even
Via Valenzuela,
When You Can't Take One More Step - Serenity in Suffering
When you can’t take one more step, where do you turn? Allow me to show you a more excellent way of walking through the hard places.
Donna Bucher,
How the Bible Can Change Your Life and 4 Powerful Benefits of Reading It
Realizing how the Bible can change your life and understanding the power found in God’s words caused me to read the Bible more. The Bible is not just words but God speaking directly to us.
Mary Armand,

Group of Brands