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Does God get angry? (Exodus 4:14)
Open Exodus 4:14. What do you do with texts like this? Exodus 4:14 (NIV) Then the Lord’s anger burned against Moses … The wrath of God gets people running one way or the other: God’s anger is a cor…
Allen Browne,
You Are Designed For Success | Blogs for Christian Living
God has designed us and is equipping us to be successful. But what is success? Success is living our life in complete surrender and obedience to the Lord.
Mark Henslee,
Follow You? Well, I would, but . . . - Damon J. Gray
“Follow me,” Jesus said. No fewer than 19 times in the four gospels I find Jesus uttering this phrase … “Follow me.” And just as frequently, we are incluined to respond with something similar to, “Well, I would. I really would like to, but…” Each of us has somehow persuaded ourselves that our lives are…
Damon J. Gray,
Moses 2
Hebrews 11:27, 28 Faith is seeing what no one else sees and betting your life, and the lives of others, on it. “27 By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who was invisible. 28 By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel.” (Hebrews 11:27, 28). There is some debate as to which departure from Egypt is referred to in verse 27: the first, after Moses had killed
Lynda Schultz,
Moses 2
Hebrews 11:27, 28 Faith is seeing what no one else sees and betting your life, and the lives of others, on it. “27 By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who was invisible. 28 By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel.” (Hebrews 11:27, 28). There is some debate as to which departure from Egypt is referred to in verse 27: the first, after Moses had killed
Lynda Schultz,
Hebrews 112:32-34 Faith applies to every aspect of life. “32 And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets, 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised, who shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.” (Hebrews 11:32-34).
Lynda Schultz,
Hebrews 112:32-34 Faith applies to every aspect of life. “32 And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets, 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised, who shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.” (Hebrews 11:32-34).
Lynda Schultz,

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