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Överlämna den mannen åt SATAN till KÖTTETS FÖRDÄRV? – 1 Kor. 5:5
—överlämna den mannen åt Satan till köttets fördärv, för att anden skall bli frälst på Herrens dag. (1 Kor. 5:4-5) Det finns kristna som menar att mannen som det talas om i ovan verser inte f…
Annika Björk,
Var Abraham rättfärdig av tro, eller av GÄRNINGAR som Jakobsbrevet säger? Jak. 2:21
Abraham – rättfärdig av TRO eller GÄRNINGAR, eller TRO OCH GÄRNINGAR? Paulus i Romarbrevet verkar säga att Abraham var rättfärdig genom TRO och inte av gärningar, medan Jakob i Jakobsbrevet v…
Annika Björk,
Prematal sex: Should I keep my Virginity?
Here are several reasons why it is wiser to refrain from premarital sex and keep your virginity for your husband. The traditional and moral laws in most societies forbid sexual relations …
Babatope Babalobi,
Sex Before Marriage — Ami Loper
"Dear Ami, Does the Bible explicitly prohibit sex before marriage? I believe that Biblical sexual purity means abstinence before marriage, but my cousin brought up this issue as a challenge, and he uses it to justify premarital sex. Signed, Perplexed"… Come see how I answered this intrigui
Ami Loper,
Sex Before Marriage — Ami Loper
"Dear Ami, Does the Bible explicitly prohibit sex before marriage? I believe that Biblical sexual purity means abstinence before marriage, but my cousin brought up this issue as a challenge, and he uses it to justify premarital sex. Signed, Perplexed"… Come see how I answered this intrigui
Ami Loper,
Why Is Sexual Sin So Lethal? - Raising Zion
Sexual sin involves sinful sexual thoughts, words and actions with your body and/or another body. The foundational principle of overcoming sexual sin is based on the words of Jesus. Any thought of perversion concerning any woman or child or man is evil in the sight of God. But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh […]
Nehemiah Zion,
What is a Functional Atheist and how are they Hurting Christianity?
I will not lie. The question shook me. Seriously. It forced me think about the how and the why of where we have landed. After some thought I decided that I simply cannot accept the notion that Jesus has somehow lost His ability to transform people or heal situations. If Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and I believe He is then problem can’t be with God (Hebrews 13:8). The problem is with us.
Lisa Price,
Bible passage on financial breakthrough
Do you know Jesus loves you and wish you prosper and succeed in all your endeavors? Read this:” Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul pro…
Babatope Babalobi,
Vad är SYND enligt Bibeln? Kan tankar vara synd?
Vad synd inte är Vi kanske ska börja med att fundera på vad synd INTE är, eftersom det finns kristna som urvattnar innebörden av SYND genom att sätta ribban så högt så att inte ens Jesus och hans l…
Annika Björk,
What is a Functional Atheist and how are they Hurting Christianity?
I will not lie. The question shook me. Seriously. It forced me think about the how and the why of where we have landed. After some thought I decided that I simply cannot accept the notion that Jesus has somehow lost His ability to transform people or heal situations. If Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and I believe He is then problem can’t be with God (Hebrews 13:8). The problem is with us.
Lisa Price,

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