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Thoughtful Tuesdays - How we can make joy bubble over - Growing Through God's Word
Thoughtful Tuesdays – How we can make joy bubble over My thoughts during the bout of flu were “how can I make this joyful”? During that time I tried to pray but really felt so bad I couldn’t do it. But I did read my Scriptures, and some blog posts. I did sing praise songs… Continue reading Thoughtful Tuesdays – How we can make joy bubble over
Janis Cox,
Dear God,I find it thrilling how you edit my schedule anytime You feel it’s time to. How you make me remove and add things. How you just make me relax.People would actually think it’s c…
Joy Uchennaya,
Bible scriptures on essential qualities of a good Christian husband?
Galatians 5 vs. 22- But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, Love for others – Not selfish Peace with all men – Not a trouble maker Source o…
Babatope Babalobi,
Is Joy Unemotional, and Is It More Spiritual Than Happiness? - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
So we should be joyful but not happy when reading the Bible, praying, and worshiping?
Randy Alcorn,
Cultivating Faithfulness –
Trust in the Lord and do good; Live in the land and cultivate faithfulness. (Psalms 37:3 NASB)
Ken Barnes,
What Should We Think About Holy Laughter? - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
If laughter from on high fills someone’s heart, that’s wonderful, but I think it needs to come down vertically, rather than be induced horizontally.
Randy Alcorn,
Cultivating Faithfulness –
Trust in the Lord and do good; Live in the land and cultivate faithfulness. (Psalms 37:3 NASB)
Ken Barnes,
Taking in the Good
Being positive, thinking positive, Living Positive Rick Hanson PHD, talks about the negative bias that we all have and the results of that bias in our lives. Part of that bias comes from our…
Frank Walker,
Sad Pastor vs. Joyful Pastor
By Elizabeth Prata I can understand why doctors and counselors are saying more than ever, teens and youths are depressed. If they are on social media often, and they are, spending hours each day, t…
Elizabeth Prata,
What it Takes to Make a Difference — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life
If you have read my blog more than a time or two, you know by now that I am a list-maker … a list-lover … a list-idolizer. Lists simply help me to organize the thoughts that tumble haphazardly through my brain; they enable me to give boundaries to the roller-coaster emotions that fly helter-skelt
Carol McLeod,

Group of Brands