Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
How the Lord Helps Us to Practice Abstinence Until Marriage
it is becoming more acceptable for those who either practice abstinence or who are virgins to share their journeys.
Russelyn Williams,
A Simple Rebuttal of the Rapture in Favor of the Resurrection
Please read this from beginning to end prayerfully before refusing or responding. As Christians, we are fellow servants one to the other. We each have our own God-given gifts for the edification of…
Amanda Carey,
Can we eat the meat and spit out the bones?
By Elizabeth Prata The Bible says “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good an…
Elizabeth Prata,
A Simple Rebuttal of the Rapture in Favor of the Resurrection
Please read this from beginning to end prayerfully before refusing or responding. As Christians, we are fellow servants one to the other. We each have our own God-given gifts for the edification of…
Amanda Carey,
Dealing with Conflict
“But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another” (Galatians 5:15). Paul spoke to the Galatian church about the freedom which comes with serving God. Paul…
Anneta Pinto,
Infecting the world with good (Matthew 13:33)
How is the kingdom of heaven like a woman baking bread? Open Matthew 13:33. There’s nothing like the smell of fresh bread in the morning. Flour, water, and yeast go in the bread maker in the evening, and in the morning the aroma of fresh bread helps you rise to...
Allen Browne,
The Passover: The Lord's Feast Day For Us
Discover the Deeper Significance of the Passover: Unveiling its Symbolism and Spiritual Meaning. Explore how the ancient festival foreshadows Jesus' redemptive work and forgiveness, bridging the gap between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Learn w
Chrys Jones,
The Feast Of Unleavened Bread
The Lord instituted Passover the night before He delivered Israel out of bondage from Egypt. He instructed them to sacrifice and eat the Passover Lamb with bread made without yeast.
Robin McKinley,
Ska vi TVÄTTA VARANDRAS FÖTTER som Jesus gjorde med sina lärljungar?
Jesus tvättade symboliskt lärljungarnas fötter Här är hela historien. Joh. 13:1 Det var strax före påskhögtiden, och Jesus visste att stunden hade kommit, då han skulle lämna denna värld och gå til…
Annika Björk,
The Marks of the Meta-Church
How can we tell a true church from a false church? Or a healthy church from one that’s weak and incomplete? During the Reformation, as Protestants were separating from the Roman Catholic system, they were forced to ask these questions. Spurious sects sprouted up all around them, so they needed to develop a set of
John MacArthur,

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