Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
That Crazy Hair Post
Whatever she needed to tell me, it clearly was not easy breezy. "Abigail," Ginnie whispered, her eyes darting from my hair to her bag...
Abigail Wallace,
Breaking Bread and Building Bonds:
The Power of Gathering Around the Table for Deeper Friendships by Bethany Weaver Sharing Meals Can Lead to Meaningful Connections and Stronger Relationships Every move was exciting and I loved the …
Daisy Dronen,
Breaking Bread and Building Bonds:
The Power of Gathering Around the Table for Deeper Friendships by Bethany Weaver Sharing Meals Can Lead to Meaningful Connections and Stronger Relationships Every move was exciting and I loved the …
Daisy Dronen,
Top 10 Quotes on A Woman’s Call to Prayer
I am in a battle. The enemy is out to destroy. I wage war on my knees. I must be vigilant and not let myself grow unguarded in the fight for my marriage. That’s why I recently revisited a book I’d read many years ago called A Woman’s Call to Prayer: Making Your Desire to...
Lyli Dunbar,
Carrying Others' Burdens — Broken & Hopeful
We had a beautiful women’s retreat this last weekend, full of fellowship and freedom as we recognized that we have everything we need for the Christian life already within us in Christ’s Life. One of the things we talked about was how we sometimes feel the need to carry the burdens of others. We fee
Hannah Morrell,
How can you support others in their healing journey?
Galatians 6:2: "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ."You notice changes in your family member or friend. They used to enjoy going out, but now they avoid socializing. They refuse invitations and prefer staying home. It is a shift you cannot ignore.Their...
How Another Can Seed Us With God
Every story given to us and every story told to another is a precious gift that has the potential to seed us with God. —Dan Allender As he served me a mouthwatering steak dinner, he sat down kitty-corner from me and asked, “What three things would you like me to know about you right now?”
Lisa Brockman,
Share Each Other's Burdens — iWork4Him
It used to be that absenteeism was a problem in the workplace. But today, it’s the opposite: It’s called “Presenteeism”. A company’s leadership cannot spend all day ministering to their employees; So, what’s the answer?
Jim Brangenberg,
Unconditional love, how do I find it? -
How do we find unconditional love? It is never where we think we will find it. We can spend a lifetime looking for the wrong thing.
Jon Frederick and Kathleen Frederick,
To the souls dealing with guilt, there is hope for healing
Are you familiar with the verse from the Bible, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2)? This verse speaks volumes about dealing with guilt. It suggests that in sharing and understanding, there lies a path to healing.You might be experiencing guilt right now. Maybe...
Kathleen Orenza,

Group of Brands