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Why Giving is the Anecdote to Loneliness - Intercession For A Generation Blog
Sometimes people ask me questions like it must be really lonely being single for so long, and I think to myself well I don’t really have a big issue with loneli
Russelyn Williams,
Mailbag: What does forgiveness look like for an unrepentant, remarried adulterer? - Divorce Minister
JannaG asks: What should forgiveness of an unrepentant adulterer look like when you’ve divorced and they’re remarried and you haven’t had any contact in years? Well, I will begin by saying the spiritual well-being of the adulterer is not the responsibility of the faithful ex-spouse. You are under no obligation to reach out to this … Continue reading “Mailbag: What does forgiveness look like for an unrepentant, remarried adulterer?”
David Derksen,
How To Invest In Yourself To Avoid Unnecessary Wastage Of Resources
Successful people living today adopt the best ways of enjoying evergreen happiness in the future. You could be one, just learn how to invest in yourself.
Anthony Eshun,
Genom ett enda offer har Jesus för alla tider gjort oss fullkomliga? Hebr. 10:14
Genom ett enda offer har han för alla tider gjort dem som helgas fullkomliga (Hebr. 10:14) Det här handlar i korthet om att Jesus inte behövde dö varje gång någon syndat, utan det räcker med att ha…
Annika Björk,
Joseph Moves towards Forgiveness. Genesis 42/43 Day 48, Feb 17th, Blog Through the Bible Project | Dreaming Beneath the Spires
Joseph and his Brothers I love the Joseph story. It offers peace for those who are unfairly treated. Our lives are in the hands of One who is far greater than us. Joseph slowly moves towards the place in which he can forgive his brothers. Genesis 42 Joseph’s Brothers Go to Egypt 1 When Jacob learned […]
Anita Mathias,
Don't Get Tired Of Doing Good
Doing good things can be tiring. Sometimes we see no results. Sometimes it's difficult. Sometimes we don't feel like doing it. Sometimes it...
Emily van Rijn,
Don't Get Tired Of Doing Good
Doing good things can be tiring. Sometimes we see no results. Sometimes it’s difficult. Sometimes we don’t feel like doing it. Sometimes it…
Emily van Rijn,
Character, darkness and secrets revealed – Attempts at Honesty
Character is doing the right thing even when no-one is looking, yet God always sees and eventually the truth will win out. Stay the course.
Mark H. McIntyre,
Bible on sowing and reaping
Bible on sowing and reaping Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Join Telegram prayer group Read Galatians 6 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, …
Babatope Babalobi,
Ten Ways Women Self-Sabotage. - Impacting Righteously
Practicing the golden rule, using wisdom, and having the right motives should improve quality of life for women.
Petrina Ferguson,

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