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5 Truths that Help Us Pray for Our Children Intentionally - Jeanne Takenaka
To pray for our children is one of our highest callings. As our kids grow, their prayer needs will change. I’ve found that praying for my sons is a calling and a privilege. Honestly, I’ve been inconsistent up until the past few years. My friend and author/blogger, @loisflowers, shares wise insights about how she has developed a prayer plan for praying for her daughters. I love how intentional she is in praying for her now-grown daughters. I’d love to hear your thoughts on what she shares! To read, you can click the Blog link in my bio. I’d love to know, friend, How has God answered specific requests you’ve prayed for young people in your life? ***If you’re a blogger, join the #TellHisStory link-up and meet other encouragement bloggers! You can follow my blog link in the bio to find the link-up.
Jeanne Takenaka,
There is No Try — Ami Loper
Are you trying to find just the right key to open the door to what’s next in your life? Maybe you don’t need a key, maybe you need an ax! #persistence #ChristianBlog
Ami Loper,
50 Inspiring quotes about being patient
Patience. It's one of those virtues we all know we should have, yet it can sometimes be elusive, right? Sometimes, the world feels like it is moving at a million miles an hour, and we're caught up in the whirlwind of life, trying to juggle our many responsibilities. Amidst the...
Jepryll Torremoro,
Never Give Up
Contributor: Chad Roberts Thick fog had settled over the twenty mile stretch between Catalina Island and the California coastline. The thirty-four-year-old Florence Chadwick was already an a…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Never Give Up
Contributor: Chad Roberts Thick fog had settled over the twenty mile stretch between Catalina Island and the California coastline. The thirty-four-year-old Florence Chadwick was already an a…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Tired of Doing Good
Thisafternoon I was telling God in tears how tired I was of some of Lydia’s behaviour. Sometimes it seems everything turns into a fight and …
Emily van Rijn,
Super Mom is a Fairy Tale - Sharon Jaynes
Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do no grow weary, (Galatians 6:9, NIV). Don’t you just detest those mothers who seem to have it all together? You know her: super-mom. She is that mythical creature who never yells at her kids. Whose house is always spotless, Read more…
Sharon Jaynes,
Drifting apart: Saving a relationship
Picture this: two islands, once closely nestled in the vast sea, gradually drifting apart. The currents of change, like unseen forces, pull them in different directions, creating a growing gap that threatens the solidity of their connection. It is a slow process, almost imperceptible initially, but eventually, the separation becomes...
Doing good.
Let us not grow weary of doing good… Galatians 6:9 Good is something we all should persue. Good should be at the center of all we do. Is it good? Do the good. Don’t grow weary of good. …
Frank Walker,
Removing Shame Off Your Resolutions and Adopting Grace Instead - Denise Pass
Sometimes the route we take to victory will seem like a dead end, but never with God.
Denise Pass,

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