Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God appreciates quality gift
THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God appreciates quality gift By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Genesis 4 vs…
Babatope Babalobi,
Our Great Shepherd: His care and love are everlasting
‎By Elizabeth Prata In biblical times, a shepherd’s main concern was the welfare of the flock. Providing the sheep with food and waters as well as guarding them from predators and thieves were prim…
Elizabeth Prata,
The Inscrutable God
The story of Cain and Abel is a well-known story because it tells about the violence of a man against his brother. The homicide occurred when Cain and Abel offered a sacrifice to God. When they cam…
Claude F. Mariottini,
What Does It Mean to be God-Fearing? - Christian Personal Development
A God-fearing person or Christian or youth is one who loves God and His Word passionately. They don’t just love God and His Word, they complete the love cycle or stages by doing or obeying His Word or commandments or instructions.
Sesan Oguntade,
2 Ways to Face Temptation
How To Fight Temptation by the power of God and the Word of God.
Chrys Jones,
Biblical examples of bad / unregenerate / spiritually dead people who seek God and do good
We are created to seek and find God Our reformed friends often claim that we cannot seek God, repent or do good unless God monergistically “regenerates” us, which is a term that they un…
Annika Björk,
Hebrews 11:4 Faith is taking worship seriously and coming before God “inspiritand in truth” believing that He is worthy of our focused attention and best offerings. “By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.” (Hebrews 11:2, 3) THE BACKSTORY We might not know the details of what transpired between God and the first family that caused them to u
Lynda Schultz,
Hebrews 11:4 Faith is taking worship seriously and coming before God “inspiritand in truth” believing that He is worthy of our focused attention and best offerings. “By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.” (Hebrews 11:2, 3) THE BACKSTORY We might not know the details of what transpired between God and the first family that caused them to u
Lynda Schultz,
The Fall of Man — House of David Ministries
Theologians often discuss the condition of man in the Garden of Eden before the fall. God is all-knowing, so why did He place the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden if He foreknew that man would eat of it? It would seem that God had a purpose for this primitive condition.
Eric M. Teitelman,

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