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True Leading Is Serving - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Recently I was asked, “We use the phrase ‘servant leadership’ frequently, but what does that really look like? It’s all too easy to desire for our wants and needs be taken care of, rather than acting as servant leaders who care for others, spiritually and physically, behind the scenes. What...
Randy Alcorn,
The Leader's Character; Leadership Is a Privilege - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
An authentic Christian leader loves God with all his heart, is quick to admit his flaws, listens to his critics and doesn’t dismiss them.
Randy Alcorn,
The Most Terrifying Thing God Can Do: In which I testify to God’s grace in saving me
In the past, Tim Challies posted an article titled The Most Terrifying Thing God Can Do. It’s a terrifying article. It crushed me reading it and apparently it did for many others as well. I s…
Elizabeth Prata,
Kindness…It Can Save Both Your Soul & Marriage
Kindness can have some big benefit to our lives and while the idea of kindness may seem simple, the Biblical truth of kindness is deep and meaningnful. While it should be easy to give kindness to o…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Worshiping the Creator of creation
By Elizabeth Prata Because the times are so hard and the world is so dark, I’ve been posting some short essays on worship. Just worship. It’s a way to remind me, and anyone, that “…
Elizabeth Prata,
Worshiping the Creator of creation
By Elizabeth Prata Because the times are so hard and the world is so dark, I’ve been posting some short essays on worship. Just worship. It’s a way to remind me, and anyone, that “…
Elizabeth Prata,
Kindness…It Can Save Both Your Soul & Marriage
Kindness can have some big benefit to our lives and while the idea of kindness may seem simple, the Biblical truth of kindness is deep and meaningnful. While it should be easy to give kindness to o…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Sex: effects of sexual immorality and cheating in marriage
WHEN GOD OPENS ENEMY’S EYES Memorise: ” But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is …
Babatope Babalobi,
The Problem with God's Love
This series was first published in June, 2016.—ed. At first glance, God’s love doesn’t appear to be much of a theological problem.First John 4:8couldn’t be clearer: “God is love.” Of all the ways to describe God, that is certainly the most endearing and widely-accepted. How many times have we heard the phrase, “A loving God
John MacArthur,
In the Wake of Ravi Zacharias’s Sexual Abuse of Women - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
A few months ago, Ravi Zacharias International Ministry (RZIM) released a statement about the external investigation into allegations against Ravi Zacharias.
Randy Alcorn,

Group of Brands