Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
“Be Anxious for Nothing”
Most of us will agree that our world has changed significantly since Covid. Life, as we once knew it, has been replaced with ever increasing apostasy, violence, immorality, expressions of hatred, d…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
A Stranger Made Me Cry
On an ordinary day I might be running in to pick up a few groceries, rushing to check things off my list, barely noticing those around me. But she found me. I don’t know if I looked kind (I c…
Vickie Munton,
“Be Anxious for Nothing”
Most of us will agree that our world has changed significantly since Covid. Life, as we once knew it, has been replaced with ever increasing apostasy, violence, immorality, expressions of hatred, d…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
True Praise & Worship Of God - Part 3 - Pursuing Intimacy With God
4 part Bible study of the importance and many benefits of starting your day with true praise & worship of God. This comes from a devoted heart that loves God.
Kevin Bart,
Wisdom’s Sacrifice
It all began at the beginning. Not very profound, you say? Sometimes we have to see where something began to understand its significance. Let’s go back to Genesis: “In the course of …
Vickie Munton,
How to Surrender to God and 8 Inspiring Bible Verses about Surrender
Learning how to surrender to God is not easy. But surrendering to God is one of the most empowering decisions you make in your spiritual journey.
Mary Armand,
Praise And Worship God - Part 2 - Pursuing Intimacy With God
Praise and Worship God. Start our prayer time with God and your day by praising and worshipping God. Better focus on God & enjoy Him and hear God’s voice.
Kevin Bart,

Group of Brands