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If verifying the affairs(s) are over isn't first priority... - Divorce Minister
When a Christian counselor or pastor chooses to treat the ending of the affair as a secondary issue, you can be assured they are not equipped to deal with the situation in a godly matter. Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the … Continue reading “If verifying the affairs(s) are over isn’t first priority…”
David Derksen,
Married Means No Dating! - Divorce Minister
Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery. -Hebrews 13:4, NLT When I was dating after my divorce, I was somewhat surprised by how many people were dating still married. For me, those people were a hard pass. … Continue reading “Married means no dating!”
David Derksen,
"It doesn't matter what she did," says cheater apologist. - Divorce Minister
“It doesn’t matter what she did. You need to focus on your own sins.” – Cheater Apologist This sort of response is the very definition of dismissive. It has all the appearance of godliness without the substance. Of course, adultery–i.e. the victimization of faithful spouses–matters to God! When someone responds by being dismissive of adultery or … Continue reading ““It doesn’t matter what she did,” says cheater apologist.”
David Derksen,
Honor Marriage
A simple way for followers of Christ to swim against the cultural current is to obey the command to honor marriage.
Jason Davis,
Exploring love and faith: Is intimacy reserved for marriage?
In Christian life, love and faith are deeply connected. Today, we delve into a vital question: Is intimacy meant only for marriage? Intimacy is a unique connection involving our body, soul, and emotions. Although it is a gift, when and how should we give it to others? This concerns our...
Via Valenzuela,
Marital Infidelity Abuse Survivors - Divorce Minister
4 Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery. -Hebrews 13:4, NLT “Marital Infidelity Abuse Survivors” This is the phrase I find myself using to describe my ministry here and in person to others in the Church. I might … Continue reading "Marital Infidelity Abuse Survivors"
David Derksen,
When your cheater is a pastor or therapist... - Divorce Minister
Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery. -Hebrews 13:4, NLT Letting go and trusting a cheater to God is tough. I think this is especially so when the cheater counsels others and works in a field where … Continue reading “When your cheater is a pastor or therapist…”
David Derksen,
Ungodly Counsel as Catnip to Cheaters - Divorce Minister
“Can’t you see?! You’ve divorced her in your heart.” -“Christian” Lay Counselor Such a statement is highly irresponsible. It is like waving catnip in front of a cheater. They are likely to take this statement and go forth to act as if they are truly not married (even though they are). A “Christian” leader trying to … Continue reading “Ungodly Counsel as Catnip to Cheaters”
David Derksen,
If verifying the end of the affair(s) isn't the first priority, you need a new pastor or counselor. - Divorce Minister
When a Christian counselor or pastor chooses to treat the ending of the affair as a secondary issue, you can be assured they are not equipped to deal with the situation in a godly matter. Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the … Continue reading “If verifying the end of the affair(s) isn’t the first priority, you need a new pastor or counselor.”
David Derksen,
Christians repent of considering adultery! - Divorce Minister
Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery. -Hebrews 13:4, NLT While we are all capable of adultery (when married), a person who follows Christ recognizes such as sin immediately and repents of entertaining the idea if it … Continue reading “Christians repent of considering adultery!”
David Derksen,

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