Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
New! Audio meditation!  And "Complain not.  Wait in Hope."
This week an audio meditation exercise has been posted here . It is 10 minutes long and I hope a wonderful help to renew your mind. Meditations are plentiful in the WORD of God. It is full of sensory…
Gina Williamson,
This past year has been the hardest year of my life. Confronting tormenting spirits due to curses and witchcraft, I was almost taken out by the enemy this past spring. […]
Wanda Alger,
This past year has been the hardest year of my life. Confronting tormenting spirits due to curses and witchcraft, I was almost taken out by the enemy this past spring. […]
Wanda Alger,
He Gives Power to the Weak
Do you need a pick-me-up today? If not now, then the next time you need one, Isaiah 40 is the chapter to read. When you feel weak, trust God because He gives po
Robin McKinley,
For the Weary
If you—like me—are weary today, this post is for you. Weariness is not a new phenomenon. From the day God told Adam that he would toil by the “sweat of his brow” (Gen. 3:18–19), we humans have battled exhaustion. But we are not without hope. We can look to the Word of God and find encouragement.
Revive Our Hearts,
Hope for the Future – Part 2
NOTE: This post has been withdrawn. The post has been published in my book, Isaiah: The Prophet of Hope. The book presents Isaiah’s message of hope, focusing on a study of the Immanuel’…
Claude F. Mariottini,
Israel in Babylon (Isaiah 52:4)
NOTE: This post has been withdrawn. The post has been published in my book, Isaiah: The Prophet of Hope. The book presents Isaiah’s message of hope, focusing on a study of the Immanuel’…
Claude F. Mariottini,
Best Bible verses for strength to cheer you up
Reading Bible verses for strength soothes our weary being.We all experience sadness, loneliness, and despair in this fallen world. Job loss, divorce, family separation, and the death of a loved one bring sorrow to our souls.Our lives resemble a roller coaster - full of ups and downs. Amid life's unpredictability,...
Joseph Antonio Liao,

Group of Brands