Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Come and Listen: The Story of our Wedding — Mica Olinghouse
During all the hustle and bustle of the morning’s preparations for the day, I asked Jeff to sit with me for a minute to listen to one of our favorite songs from our wedding season. In that moment, we both were forced to stop and reflect…and listen to the rhythm of grace flowing in our lives. Now, I
Mica Olinghouse,
Come and Listen: The Story of our Wedding — Mica Olinghouse
During all the hustle and bustle of the morning’s preparations for the day, I asked Jeff to sit with me for a minute to listen to one of our favorite songs from our wedding season. In that moment, we both were forced to stop and reflect…and listen to the rhythm of grace flowing in our lives. Now, I
Mica Olinghouse,
The Very Worst Part of Christian or Spiritual Blogging | Dreaming Beneath the Spires
The Very Worst Part of Christian or Spiritual Blogging It’s when you mess up in real life. And you’re cross with your husband. And you feel you should be doing something about your 12 year old’s room. Though she is 12. And your 17 year old’s room, and her maelstrom of barely made or just […]
Anita Mathias,
Live Thinking as God Thinks | HealthWealthVictory
If you want to live in the Blessing and power of God, live thinking as God thinks, not as human beings do. Here’s how you can.
Anna Lovella Velasquez,
At Midnight, the Cry Rang Out
At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however,...
Pastor Peter,
Are You Worth Your Salt? | Joy For The Journey — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life
Now more than ever we as the children of God need to stick out like a sore thumb as we display the hope of our salvation .
Carol McLeod,
Buy Truth
By Elizabeth Prata Listen to your father, who fathered you,And do not despise your mother when she is old.Buy truth, and do not sell it,Get wisdom, inst…
Elizabeth Prata,
Perfectionism is a Religious Trap: - Intercession For A Generation Blog
Perfectionism is a Trap That Keeps Us in a Works-Based Gospel The Bible says to be holy as I (God) am holy (1 Peter 1:16). It also says to be perfect a
Russelyn Williams,
Thankful & Thirsty Thursdays
God gave us His creation as a gift so that we can know Him better. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his in…
Keri L. Willis,
Streams of Living Water
Streams of Living Water Share good news – Share this and any page freely Copy and share this link on your media, eg Facebook, Instagram, Emails: Streams of Living Water: FREE RENEWAL JOURNAL SUBS…
Geoff Waugh,

Group of Brands