Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Live Thinking as God Thinks | HealthWealthVictory
If you want to live in the Blessing and power of God, live thinking as God thinks, not as human beings do. Here’s how you can.
Anna Lovella Velasquez,
Splendor and Majesty – Be Still and Listen
Just like God spoke to Elijah, He has spoken to us. He tells us we are never alone; “I will never leave you or forsake you” Hebrews 13:5) And that He is enough: “Lord you are my p…
Keri L. Willis,
Have You Been Faithful? - Raising Zion
Hello my dear friends🌼🌸 Here we are!! Already in the month of September, having graciously crossed more than half of this year. It all seems like a few days ago that we began the New Year 2019 with great fervour; and now, within a span of three months we would have already landed on the […]
Nehemiah Zion,
An Invitation To Salvation Found In Isaiah
Through the prophet Isaiah, God extended a straightforward invitation for us to receive salvation. He wrote, “seek the Lord,’ and “call on Him” years be
Robin McKinley,
Hear My Voice, Believe, and Live - Booty and Treasures fer All!
Hear My Voice, Believe, and Live
Eddie Jones,
A Heartfelt Response to “The Shock Factor”
Okay. Wow. I admit I am shaking. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt so strongly the urge to lash out, but thank goodness a verse I read in Proverbs this morning flashed in my mind…
Vickie Munton,
7 ways to obtain mercy - Raising Zion
Psalms 36:5 – Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; Psalms 57:10 – For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, Psalms 108:4 – For thy mercy is great above the heavens: Dear beloved child of God, you need mercy to go in the heavens, unto the heavens and above the heavens. Just as […]
Nehemiah Zion,
Mysteries of Christ in The Passover — House of David Ministries
The Exodus from Egypt and the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery marked the birth of the nation of Israel, and is considered by the Jewish people to be the single most important event in their history. The delivery itself was both miraculous and divinely orchestrated entirely at His hand.
Eric M. Teitelman,
Mysteries of Christ in the Passover — House of David Ministries
The Exodus from Egypt and the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery marked the birth of the nation of Israel, and is considered by the Jewish people to be the single most important event in their history. The delivery itself was both miraculous and divinely orchestrated entirely at His hand.
Eric M. Teitelman,
God’s EVERLASTING (or eternal) COVENANT with Israel was broken
Isaiah 24:5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, BROKEN THE EVERLASTING COVENANT The KJV doesn’t describe G…
Annika Björk,

Group of Brands