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Facing Chaos: The Beauty of Mystery
So what about when we face big problems? Are we simply to be amazed at the grandiose way in which our world messes up? Are we to be impressed because not only did we fail, but we failed with flair? Well, maybe…but I would suggest a better perspective. Even in our problems, when they are too big or t
Kevin Wiebe,
When God's Ways are Higher Than Our Ways — Nicole O'Meara
Sometimes, what feels like a defeat is merely a detour on the path. Trust the God who guides you. “My ways are higher than your ways,” He said. I may have broken my foot but I was still on the road to recovery. I hadn’t taken a wrong turn, or ignored the GPS and gotten lost. God’s way, his path f
Nicole O'Meara,
Living Right-side Up in an Upside Down World | Blogs for Christian Living
God’s Kingdom is right-side up, which means our world is upside-down. We need to start living from God’s eternal Kingdom perspective.
Mark Henslee,
Is Manifestation A Worthwhile Pursuit?
I read that # manifestation has 36 billion views on TikTok. That's proof of the influence of TikTok, but also the need people have for hope.
Lauren Sparks,
What to Do When You Don't Understand What God is Doing — Erica Barthalow
I stared at the email, beautifully and kindly worded but nevertheless soul-crushing. It was the period at the end of a season that had felt pregnant with the possibility of long-held dreams coming true. Some I never even truly had the courage to hope for. And just like that—it was over. Or so it see
Erica Barthalow,
Wisdom Wednesday: Don’t Believe Everything You think
Don’t believe everything you think. Sometimes our thoughts, even those about ourselves are wrong! I’m not sure who said this quote, but it’s a good one to print out and put on your mirror, by your computer monitor or on your fridge if you wrestle negative self-talk and body image issues. I love how the …
Heather Creekmore,
Word of the Year Update: Not What I Had in Mind! - Lauren Sparks
God gave me the word “rest”. But He didn’t ask me how I wanted to learn about it. So I’m back to trust. So I’ll be in my recliner
Lauren Sparks,
But I Am Comfortable and My Friends Are Doing It! — iWork4Him
The assumption is that retirees are comfortable financially and mentally, have their health, have many friends and EVERYBODY is doing it. Just because everyone is doing it, doesn’t make it right.
Jim Brangenberg,
When You Want to Know Why
I don’t just want to know that something works; I want to know how it works. I want to understand it. When I was a young adult and installed my first ceiling fan, my father was there and showed me …
Lynn H. Pryor,
Through Different Eyes
Last weekend, my husband asked me to go with him to pick up some gates he’d brought. He needed help lifting them onto the trailer. I hadn’t …
Emily van Rijn,

Group of Brands