Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Continue in Love
“For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.” (Hebrews 6:10 ESV) Sometimes we may feel like we have been …
Anneta Pinto,
Growing Our Intimacy With God Through Fasting & Prayer - Part II (Some Fruit of Fasting) - Intercession For A Generation Blog
Last week, we began looking at kings in general for similiarities to God’s character and how to approach God. We have been studying in particularly the story of
Russelyn Williams,
You Are Not Being Punished You Are Being Promoted Part IV - Intercession For A Generation Blog
Finally Here comes the Promotion God had me to read Daniel in my space of transitioning and suffering. There were three specific examples back to back where
Russelyn Williams,
Faith’s Demand on the Body (Scriptures on Divine Healing)
What am I to do with the faith the Lord has given me? He has given me a measure as well as you, so what do we do with such a gift? Jesus taught that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, tha…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Faith’s Demand on the Body (Scriptures on Divine Healing)
What am I to do with the faith the Lord has given me? He has given me a measure as well as you, so what do we do with such a gift? Jesus taught that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, tha…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Mandala Adult Coloring Book: The Light of Christ (DIGITAL) - Julie Naturally
Looking for a mandala adult coloring book that honors your faith? Here’s one that features thirty Bible verses about the light of Christ.
Julie Brow-Polanco,
Mandala Adult Coloring Book: The Light of Christ PRINT - Julie Naturally
Looking for a mandala adult coloring book that honors your faith? Here’s one that features thirty Bible verses about the light of Christ.
Julie Brow-Polanco,
First Friday Prayers: The 23rd Psalm
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to look up the 23rd Psalm and these other scriptures and pray them yourself.
Lauren Sparks,
Our World is a Busted up Mess-What can we do to fix it?
Followers of Jesus sincerely believe God has a better plan for this world than what we are seeing and experiencing at this moment in history. One fundamental facet of Christian theology is the beli…
Lisa Price,
Our World is a Busted up Mess-What can we do to fix it?
Followers of Jesus sincerely believe God has a better plan for this world than what we are seeing and experiencing at this moment in history. One fundamental facet of Christian theology is the beli…
Lisa Price,

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