Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Israel: an orientation
Skip to content Israel and her setting among the surrounding nations For the next couple of weeks, I will be in Israel, with a group from Riverview Church. We’ve invited you to join us on-line each day each day as we visit the home of our faith: Israel where it...
Allen Browne,
When Awe of the Extraordinary Fades to Common | Christian Living
I encourage you to not lose the awe of the Lord. He is worthy of our worship and desires to journey with us as we live in complete amazement of Him.
Mark Henslee,
Four Directions of Praise
Praise is not just something to do, but an attitude to possess and a posture to embrace.
Revive Our Hearts,
What's the point of music? - Raising Zion
Music is powerful. It can influence our emotions in ways we can never really understand. It has it’s effects, no one can deny. It builds an atmosphere, one that directs us to a certain way of life. Where did Music originate? Heaven. Heaven has a host of angels who sing Holy, Holy, Holy around the […]
Nehemiah Zion,
God’s love is…
By Elizabeth Prata “When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand as he came down from the mountain, Moses did not know that the skin of his face sh…
Elizabeth Prata,
How to experience the Glory of God and the Power of the Holy Spirit
How to experience the Glory of God and the Power of the Holy Spirit Posted on October 5, 2014 By Revd. Simeon Folorunsho Reference texts: Isaiah 6 vs 5; Colossians 1 vs 27 What is the glory of God? 1. It is the divine nature of God, the splendor of...
Babatope Babalobi,
El Shama: A God who hears, He is a God who listens
By Elizabeth Prata Yesterday I posted about how Jesus Intercedes for Us. My goal was to encourage and assure ladies that the Triune God hears our prayers, supplications, appeals, and repentances. D…
Elizabeth Prata,
Christians Are Called To Be Great (Part 2) - Chip Tudor Communications - Dayton, Ohio
Christians are called to be great. But a failing of today’s church is that “ordinary Christians” don’t respond to that call.
Chip Tudor,
Why did Isaiah say ‘I am a man of unclean lips’ and not ‘a man of unclean heart’?
By Elizabeth Prata Isaiah was lifted up in a vision to see the throne room of God. He saw the I AM seated and being praised by Seraphim who shouted, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord o…
Elizabeth Prata,
They saw God … and lived?
By Elizabeth Prata When Isaiah was brought up to the Throne Room of heaven and saw God in His glory, he fell down and said, “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dw…
Elizabeth Prata,

Group of Brands