Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Beauty From Ashes — Broken & Hopeful
Walking through the burn scar of a recent forest fire in the mountains of Colorado is an eerie thing. It sort of feels like a ghost town, abandoned and barren. Charred remnants of trees lay blackened and oddly shaped all around. I felt overwhelmed by sadness to see all the once proud trees cut down
Hannah Morrell,
Embracing Desire—The Surprising Gift of Advent - Bonnie O'Neil
During Advent we’re invited to press into our own deepest desires and take them to God. Repeatedly I find the surprising gift of Advent is embracing desire.
Bonnie O'Neil,
The Olive Branch
I think it’s time. Time to remember who we are and why we are here. When this day is done, the calendar will say that I am another year older. Birthdays are like that. Twenty four hours mea…
Vickie Munton,
Visualize Scripture for Peace
God speaks to His people in pictures. They give us great inspiration for time with Him in our prayer closets! Read on for a suggested exercise on how to visualize Jesus’ promises for peace!
Gina Williamson,
On Forgiveness, Healing, and Trust
Imagine you were in a traffic accident where you got T-boned at an intersection. The other driver ran a red light and plowed into the driver’s side of your car. You were in the hospital for a week with broken bones and lacerations, and are Read More
Mike Genung,
On Forgiveness, Healing, and Trust
Imagine you were in a traffic accident where you got T-boned at an intersection. The other driver ran a red light and plowed into the driver’s side of your car. You were in the hospital for a week with broken bones and lacerations, and are Read More
Mike Genung,
Servant Songs
Servant Songs The Servant Songs (also called the Servant poems or the Songs of the Suffering Servant) are four songs in the Book of Isaiah in the Hebrew Bible, which include Isaiah 42:1-4; Isaiah 4…
Geoff Waugh,
Incredible Grief, Abundant Hope – Charlaine Martin
Photo by Charlaine Martin, 2016. “Caldera hike, cranberry bush on the floor of Kilauea, Big Island, Hawaii” All rights reserved.
Charlaine Martin,
Deliverance and Spiritual warfare scriptures in the Bible
OBADIAH 17 Upon mount Zion shall be DELIVERANCE (from evil), and (next) there shall be holiness (spiritual maturity before God); and (finally) the house of Jacob shall possess their possessi…
Babatope Babalobi,
Bible study: annointed sermons, powerful sermons
WATERING DOWN THE WORD? Memorise: “And honor not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition” (Matt 15:6) Read:…
Babatope Babalobi,

Group of Brands