Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
A 4:46 AM Meeting
Photo by: Blaz Erzetic My wife, April, starts her work day early in the mornings. Sometimes, due to the number of pending orders to get out, she has to be there by 4 AM. The other day was one of th…
Mark Brady,
The Quiet Man
I have always admired the man with experience in his hair and wisdom in his eyes. You’ve seen the type. They usually are tall, thin, and have grey hair. They typically have a subtle smile on their …
Mark Brady,
Image by WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay “I have a dream…” “One small step…” “We the people…” “In the beginning…” “Here’s Johnny!” Words. They are so powerful. They can build up, inspire, offer hope, and m…
Mark Brady,
Image by WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay “I have a dream…” “One small step…” “We the people…” “In the beginning…” “Here’s Johnny!” Words. They are so powerful. They can build up, inspire, offer hope, and m…
Mark Brady,
By: Pastor E.A Adeboye Memorise: “Wherefore, my beloved, brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” ( Jas 1:19) Read: James 1:19-21 Just like king Ahasuerus…
Babatope Babalobi,
Meek Is Not Weak
The world sees meekness in women as antiquated at best and the product of oppression at worst, but God sees it differently.
Revive Our Hearts,

Group of Brands