Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Strength to Endure
“for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness” (James‬ ‭1:3‬). This current struggle that you are facing has your deliverance wrapped up in it. God will use this process to ex…
Anneta Pinto,
Are You Mad at God?
I’ve heard people say, “I’m mad at God! I need to forgive Him!” You have
Greg Laurie,
How Do You Become A Kingdom Leader?
Back in the day, we thought that leaders could only be born. We thought that either that ‘leadership charisma’ came naturally to us or it didn’t. Thankfully, we realized that this was not the case.…
Matik Nicholls,
A prayer for My Younger Brothers and Sisters in Christ - Intercession For A Generation Blog
A prayer for my younger brothers and sisters in Christ is that they would not be afraid to walk through certain things—things such as trials, temptations, and
Russelyn Williams,
Christians You Should Know: Booker T. Washington - Enjoying the Journey
“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye […]
Scott Pauley,
3 Kinds of Storms a Believer Will Face
Have you ever run from the will of God for your life, thinking, “I could
Greg Laurie,
Can You Interpret the Times? ~ Christine Malkemes
Can you see what others cannot see? Dear Sister Disciples, Everywhere we turn, something unique and unusual is happening. The weather has gone crazy, the COVID is out of control, and our state representatives are fighting among themselves. We don’t have to look to the sky to see if it will rain …
Christine Malkemes,
How to Trust God in Hard Times: 5 Powerful Strategies for Overcoming Your Biggest Challenges
Learning how to trust God in hard times happens trough life's struggles and a deepened relationship with God.
Mary Armand,
Wait upon the Lord: How to trust in His timing
Have you ever found yourself in a season of waiting, eagerly anticipating the fulfillment of God's plan in your life? It cannot be easy, can it? The days can feel long. Moreover, the silence can be deafening as you yearn for an answer to your prayers. Doubts and worries may...
The Key to Spiritual Transformation-
There are at least a million different types of experiences a human might have to persevere through. Some are “life in a fallen world” kinds of things, painful but random events we all experience a…
Lisa Price,

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