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Thoughtful Thursday: Enigmatic Justice - Denise Pass
Job 40:8 “Would you indeed annul my justice? Would you declare me guilty so that you might be right?” Proverbs 19:3 “A person’s folly subverts his way, and his heart rages against the LORD.” Job 1:22 “Through all this Job did not sin or blame God for doing anything wrong.” “It’s not fair!” is the […]
Denise Pass,
God Is Good Because He Says He's Good
From the day we are born, we have trouble. And what we discover as we get older is that life is filled with lots of it. In fact, when we have a conflict-free day where there is no crisis—large or small—that is a very good day.
Greg Laurie,
2021: Better? Or More Need of Endurance? - Joyfully Pressing On
Whoever said that 2021 would be easier? That the new year would be better? I’m not sold. But I know, “we have need of endurance.”
Abigail Wallace,
An Introduction to the Book of Job
The book of Job is one of the greatest literary works of all times. The plight of Job deals with questions and issues people face in their daily lives. The suffering of Job in many ways, speaks to …
Claude F. Mariottini,
Lament part 2: David, Job, and what about complaining?
By Elizabeth Prata Lament part 1: Pain everywhere but we often don’t know how to express it Lament part 3: what it is; and the importance of music Yesterday I introduced the subject of lament…
Elizabeth Prata,
Job in the Bible: Sermon
Listen to the Audio sermon here: He was perfect before God. Job 1 vs. 1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and esc…
Babatope Babalobi,
Job: “What Is Going On?”
Is God good? When faced with pain and suffering, many people doubt the goodness of God. The Book of Job The book of Job deals with the problem of the suffering of a righteous man. However, the book…
Claude F. Mariottini,
The book that was sealed with seven seals (Revelation 4:1-8:1)
Why was Jesus not able to open the book before He died (Rev 5:3)? How did His death make Him "worthy" to open the book (Rev 4:5)?
Andries Jacobus van Niekerk,

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