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A resurrection, NOT a remodel! - Divorce Minister
43 Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” 44 And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth. Jesus told them, “Unwrap him and let him go!” John 11:43-44, NLT Marital infidelity kills marriages. It does this by striking the heart of this covenant relationship–namely, fidelity. Without such fidelity, trust is … Continue reading "A resurrection, NOT a remodel!"
David Derksen,
A resurrection, NOT a remodel! - Divorce Minister
43 Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” 44 And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth. Jesus told them, “Unwrap him and let him go!” John 11:43-44, NLT Marital infidelity kills marriages. It does this by striking the heart of this covenant relationship–namely, fidelity. Without such fidelity, trust is … Continue reading "A resurrection, NOT a remodel!"
David Derksen,
How to Conquer Death in Eight Easy Steps - Damon J. Gray
Few things frighten humans more than our own mortality. This really should not be the case for the Christ-follower, but many of us are wired up to fear what we don’t know, and even though Jesus has told us, and we believe him, we don’t really know until we get there. Today, we will look at, and…
Damon J. Gray,
How to Receive True Riches
You don’t buy or earn your way into an inheritance. The Greek word translated “inheritance” (klēronomia,1 Peter 1:4) speaks of possessions passed down from generation to generation. You receive them simply because you’re a family member. The apostle Peter describes the means by which believers gain membership in the family of God: “[He] caused us
John MacArthur,
Some Amazing Bible Verses About Miracles Ever Recorded
God has absolute power to do anything. Here are some of the best Bible verses about miracles; a donkey talked, Jesus walks on water, heals, ascended to heaven, etc,
Anthony Eshun,
The Fall of Man — House of David Ministries
Theologians often discuss the condition of man in the Garden of Eden before the fall. God is all-knowing, so why did He place the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden if He foreknew that man would eat of it? It would seem that God had a purpose for this primitive condition.
Eric M. Teitelman,
The Seven Seals of Revelation - Verse-by-verse summary
If the sealed book is the book of life: – Why are God’s judgments not understood? – Why could God not explain His judgments? – Why was Jesus not “worthy” to open the book before His death? – How did His death make Him worthy? God does explain His judgments, but to judge between people is extremely complex, and the heavenly beings are unable to refute all of Satan’s informed accusations against the people God had chosen.
Andries Jacobus van Niekerk,
The Fall of Man — House of David Ministries
Theologians often discuss the condition of man in the Garden of Eden before the fall. God is all-knowing, so why did He place the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden if He foreknew that man would eat of it? It would seem that God had a purpose for this primitive condition.
Eric M. Teitelman,
Back to Basics: What is a miracle?
By Elizabeth Prata ‘Eye of God’ nebula Miracle is one of those words that gets overused and then its meaning it diluted, like “awesome”. “This ice cream is awesome!&#8…
Elizabeth Prata,
Back to Basics: What is a miracle?
By Elizabeth Prata ‘Eye of God’ nebula Miracle is one of those words that gets overused and then its meaning it diluted, like “awesome”. “This ice cream is awesome!&#8…
Elizabeth Prata,

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