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In the Light Of Eternity – Terry Nightingale
(Photo: Unsplash) In the light of eternity In the book of John, chapter 13 and verse 1, John tells us that “It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father.” He then describes the...
Terry Nightingale,
The Love of Jesus is…
By Elizabeth Prata The love of Jesus for His children is –particular to each of us–unconditional–sacrificial. I looked over my notes from a sermon one my elders gave in 2013. He&#…
Elizabeth Prata,
Of Towels and Upside-Down Kingdoms - Damon J. Gray
By the time we reach John chapter 13, we are getting very close to the time of the Passover Feast, and it is in that context that John focuses on Jesus’ last meal with his disciples. They will never again be seen as a unified group, and it could be argued that they are not…
Damon J. Gray,
Serving the Undeserving
Service. Serving. More than putting food on a plate and bringing it to the table. More than doing our “duty” and fulfilling the job or role assigned to us. Even more than giving our tim…
Vickie Munton,
What Ever Happened to the Love of David and Jonathan? - Enjoying the Journey
Satan and sin pervert every good thing given to us by God. At this moment many in our generation have […]
Scott Pauley,
Love - The Vulnerable Fruit of the Spirit - Bravester
The first in a series about the fruits of the Spirit and how everyone of them exposes you to vulnerability. No wonder we don’t always bear fruit.
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea,
Jesus Loves Us is an Amazing Truth to Embrace
During the Lenten Season we are reminded that Jesus loves us. This season, leading to Easter, is a good time to refocus and refresh our spirtuality, and be reminded that Jesus loves us despite our limitations, failure or unmet goals.
Mary Armand,
Jesus Loves Us is an Amazing Truth to Embrace
During the Lenten Season we are reminded that Jesus loves us. This season, leading to Easter, is a good time to refocus and refresh our spirtuality, and be reminded that Jesus loves us despite our limitations, failure or unmet goals.
Mary Armand,
Serving the Undeserving
Service. Serving. More than putting food on a plate and bringing it to the table. More than doing our “duty” and fulfilling the job or role assigned to us. Even more than giving our tim…
Vickie Munton,
Easter is not pagan, and it’s PASSOVER in most countries
Good Friday (“Långfredag” in Swedish = “Long Friday”) is connected to EASTER, but just because we choose to call one day of the week FRIDAY and the particular Friday connect…
Annika Björk,

Group of Brands