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I Am the One Jesus Loves…and So Are You
I’ll be honest, for most of my life I felt like I was in second place, an alternate, an also ran, not quite as good as everybody else.I was a cheerleader my junior year in high school, but I was what they called an alternate. That meant I was on the squad and did everything that the other girls did, but it was clear I wasn’t quite as good as the other cartwheeling, high-jumping, pompom shakers. Barely made it. Last one chosen.
Sharon Jaynes ,
I Am the One Jesus Loves…and So Are You
I’ll be honest, for most of my life I felt like I was in second place, an alternate, an also ran, not quite as good as everybody else.I was a cheerleader my junior year in high school, but I was what they called an alternate. That meant I was on the squad and did everything that the other girls did, but it was clear I wasn’t quite as good as the other cartwheeling, high-jumping, pompom shakers. Barely made it. Last one chosen.
Sharon Jaynes,
God sees what you can become – Terry Nightingale
The disciple John is often described as ‘the one who Jesus loved’. In his own book, he describes himself that way 6 times (for example, in John 13: 23). Most people agree that John was the youngest of the 12 disciples and the others were therefore like big brothers to him. There are hints of that, even a few years on, in key stories in the early chapters of Acts where another older disciple is taking the lead.
Terry Nightingale,
More than a Feeling
On a cross-country domestic airliner some time ago, I plugged in the earphones and began to listen to the music program. I was amazed at how much of the music dealt with love. At the time I was preaching through 1 John 4, so the subject of love was very much on my mind. I
John MacArthur,
Banquet Reclining at Jesus’s bosom
By Elizabeth Prata Growing up, I used to watch the PBS Masterpiece Theatre classic “I, Claudius”. It was about one of the least known Emperors of the Roman Empire, Claudius. Claudius is…
Elizabeth Prata,
Come, Lord Jesus: The Prayer to End All Prayers - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
The last prayer in the Bible is also one of its shortest — and yet it’s layered with heartache and anticipation.
Randy Alcorn,
Debunking Lies About Heaven
This post was originally published in July 2018.–ed. Why is it important to know the truth about heaven? With all the contradicting theories and theologies, you can imagine that some Christians would prefer to live in blithe ignorance about what awaits beyond the grave. But knowing the truth about heaven is not just about being
John MacArthur,
The Life of Jesus – Appendix 3: The Gospels
An Appendix from the new book (free PDF) The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story Appendix 3: The Gospels The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – PDF ‘Two-page view’ …
Geoff Waugh,
Meet the Authors of the New Testament
When God called these men out of their obscure lives, He sent them into the fiery furnace of affliction.
Revive Our Hearts,
The Life of Jesus – Appendix 3: The Gospels
An Appendix from the new book (free PDF) The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story Appendix 3: The Gospels The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – PDF ‘Two-page view&…
Geoff Waugh,

Group of Brands