Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Drudgery? Stop and pray. My Tuesday story.
Pray through the difficult moments. Stop and pray. I did this week and God had an immediate answer and power for me. Read the blog to here more. And be encouraged to ask God for His life and power to rise up.
Gina Williamson,
Of Towels and Upside-Down Kingdoms - Damon J. Gray
By the time we reach John chapter 13, we are getting very close to the time of the Passover Feast, and it is in that context that John focuses on Jesus’ last meal with his disciples. They will never again be seen as a unified group, and it could be argued that they are not…
Damon J. Gray,
Essential servanthood: Redefining roles in contemporary society
Three people donating goods. (Photo by RDNE Stock project from Pexels)In the sweltering heat of 1843, slaves endured the brutal reality of life in the Mississippi cotton fields, providing a harrowing glimpse into the horrors of colonial American slavery. Born into bondage, their fate was sealed by their skin color,...
Joseph Antonio Liao,

Group of Brands