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Freedom isn’t free – just ask our Gold Star families - Today Can Be Different
We’ve seen the anguished pictures of mothers receiving the folded flag at their son’s or daughter’s military funeral. We’ve heard heartrending stories from spouses about the day they received word that their spouse had been killed. Seeing the American flag burned or people protesting our national anthem only adds to their grief.
Sheryl H. Boldt,
Freedom isn’t free – just ask our Gold Star families - Today Can Be Different
We’ve seen the anguished pictures of mothers receiving the folded flag at their son’s or daughter’s military funeral. We’ve heard heartrending stories from spouses about the day they received word that their spouse had been killed. Seeing the American flag burned or people protesting our national anthem only adds to their grief.
Sheryl H. Boldt,
Redefining a “Great” Sex Life
Honoring God with your sexuality is not only about avoiding sexual sin, but also includes working toward the full expression of covenant love in your marriage.
Revive Our Hearts,
For His Name’s Sake
“He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake”‭‭(Psalm‬ ‭23:3‬). God will guide us along the right places for the sake of his reputation. He will not prolong suffe…
Anneta Pinto,
What to Pray This Memorial Day
By Greg Laurie – America has always needed God. But at this time of sickness and social unrest, that truth is more apparent than ever.
Greg Laurie,
Of Sacrifices and Cemeteries
By Elizabeth Prata I like visiting cemeteries. I always have. I grew up next to a large one. It was beautiful and even had a beautiful name. Stone columns adorned either side of the entry and a bab…
Elizabeth Prata,
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 27 – Love
Today’s episode is not about how to grow in love for your body–rather, we’re talking about how to love God and others well! Though it may seem like a backwards concept, I promise you that when your focus shifts to loving God and others well, your eyes come off of your thighs and you feel …
Heather Creekmore,
They Said Yes-Memorial Day Tribute - Serenity in Suffering
They said Yes-Memorial Day tribute; join me as I pay tribute to our nation’s finest: the fallen heroes of Freedom and their noble sacrifice.
Donna Bucher,
Sermon on Love of God
John 15 vs 13 – Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. God laid down his only begotten son for his friends. Can you lay down your money for J…
Babatope Babalobi,
When you make loving sacrifices, your bond grows stronger
Love can lead you down paths you never expected, paths where your choices become not just about you but about those you hold dear. When you make loving sacrifices, it's as if you're weaving a stronger, more resilient bond with those around you. These sacrifices made out of pure love,...
Kathleen Orenza,

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