Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Instructions for Life on a Blue and Yellow Spray Can by Patricia Day. Patricia compares the instructions on a spray can to how God can cleanse our lives.
Janis Cox,
How to NOT depart from the faith? - Raising Zion
Yes, it’s possible to depart from the faith after having known Jesus. How does it happen? Can it happen to any believer? Diligence is key.
Nehemiah Zion,
How To Stay In The Right Way? - Raising Zion
What does it take to stay in the right way? Is there a right or wrong? What will it take man to stay away from doing wrong or desiring wrong?
Nehemiah Zion,
How to know my thought is not the Devil’s thought? - Raising Zion
A question believer children asks is, “how to know my thought is not the devil’s thought?” This simple answer needs a lifetime of practice.
Nehemiah Zion,
Rejecting Sinful Desires
Hunger for God’s Word is incompatible with the desire for sin. That’s why the apostle Peter calls us to reject sinful desires—they are deadly obstructions to a healthy biblical diet. He writes, “Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babies, long for the pure milk
John MacArthur,
How To Nurture Your Relationship With God? - Raising Zion
If there is one relationship that matters to every believer, it is their relationship with God. Nurture your relationship with God today!
Nehemiah Zion,
Rejecting Sinful Desires
his post was first published in September, 2019. —ed. Hunger for God’s Word is incompatible with the desire for sin. That’s why the apostle Peter calls us to reject sinful desires—they are deadly obstructions to a healthy biblical diet. He writes, “Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all
John MacArthur,
How To Keep Your Faith? - Raising Zion
How to keep your faith in a tough christian life? It’s a life full of struggle, though the joy in the journey is incomparable.
Nehemiah Zion,
6 Reasons To Consider While Pursuing A Holy Life - Raising Zion
Are you pursuing a holy life? If not, as a believer, your pursuit of growth in God will always fall short. Think why you do what you do.
Nehemiah Zion,
How To Revenge All Disobedience In Your Life? - Raising Zion
What an opportunity we have in Christ to revenge all disobedience in life! Not something we can think of our own – possible only in Christ.
Nehemiah Zion,

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