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Abide ye in my love.
John 15:9Even as the Father hath loved me, I also have loved you: abide ye in my love.
Pippin Guo,
Put Out Inter Deep Water - Booty and Treasures fer All!
Obedience ter the Son comes with a cost, but we get the blessing of his fellowship in return. Put Out Inter Deep Water.
Eddie Jones,
A Better Way to Communicate Love
If we made contact with beings from another part of the universe, what would you want to communicate about who we are? If popular culture has its way, we would have a gecko telling how twenty minut…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Going from Busy to Productive in an Unusual Way
If Jesus was the most productive person to ever live, how can I tap into that productivity in my own life?
Jason Davis,
I Am the One Jesus Loves…and So Are You
I’ll be honest, for most of my life I felt like I was in second place, an alternate, an also ran, not quite as good as everybody else.I was a cheerleader my junior year in high school, but I was what they called an alternate. That meant I was on the squad and did everything that the other girls did, but it was clear I wasn’t quite as good as the other cartwheeling, high-jumping, pompom shakers. Barely made it. Last one chosen.
Sharon Jaynes ,
So Much To Do…So Much To Decide
The pressures of life can easily add up and feel overwhelming. Even when we’re seeking God, it’s not easy to replace pressure with peace and joy. I add lots of pressure to my life without realizing it. I think I’m following God, but in my cloudy thinking, I am contributing to the pressure.
Kathy Collard Miller,
I Am the One Jesus Loves…and So Are You
I’ll be honest, for most of my life I felt like I was in second place, an alternate, an also ran, not quite as good as everybody else.I was a cheerleader my junior year in high school, but I was what they called an alternate. That meant I was on the squad and did everything that the other girls did, but it was clear I wasn’t quite as good as the other cartwheeling, high-jumping, pompom shakers. Barely made it. Last one chosen.
Sharon Jaynes,
Fruit of the Spirit LOVE (devotion and lesson for kids)
Includes a discussion on why is love the first fruit of the Spirit, as well as a full “fruit of the Spirit: love” lesson for children.
Christie Thomas,
Sending Love Across the Universe
If we made contact with beings from another part of the universe, what would you want to communicate about who we are? If popular culture has its way, we would have a gecko telling how twenty minut…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Filled with Anxiety or Remaining?
First I’ll say that the blogs will now happen every other week. I’ve been ministering in prayer quite a bit more; and want to keep going through those doors I see opening. The ministering is…
Gina Williamson,

Group of Brands