Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
In a little bit of shock . . . – Attempts at Honesty
To watch the spread of the COVID-19 virus as it goes, well, viral, I am amazed and a little bit in shock.
Mark H. McIntyre,
A Tribute to Virginia Tech - Jewell Utt
Seven years ago I received a call from my son, a student at Virginia Tech. It was the year of the shooting. Thirty-two lives of promise were ended on one solemn day. It’s a day I will never forget. My heart and prayers continue for the families, students and faculty who lived through it. We... [Read More]
Jewell Utt,
Brokeness is the Door to Our Father’s Heart - Bravester
Are you afraid of the brokenness in your life? Perhaps this is the door to the Father's heart? This is what I've learned.
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea,
Need a Morale Booster?
What boosts your morale? In a climate of terror, shootings, and nasty politics, we could use something to brighten our day. In 1963, two Massachusetts insurance companies merged. Apparently the run…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Whose side is God on anyway?! A post about Tebow and Tiger... - After the Altar Call
Hello World!!! Guess what I spent most of yesterday doing? …Although I rarely sit down to watch a football game, I watched pretty much the entire SEC Championship game between the Florida Gators and the Crimson Tide — of course the wings, the libations and the raucous Roll, Tide, Roll fans helped…Yes, I was at a game […]
Jacqueline J. Holness,
The Meaning And Origin Of The Serenity Prayer
Serenity is a synonym for peace and tranquility, the opposite of anxiety. It isn’t affected by the things that go on around us, good or bad. It is a type of peace that is constant even in the unstable chaos of the world. Looking at everything going on in theworld today, it can sound a
Sue Nelson,
A Garden Encounter — The Spacious Place
In 2004 our family went through a significant transition. We sold our house in Virginia, put most of our belongings in storage, and moved across the pond to Oxford, England for my husband to begin theological training. We were blessed to find a house that was being vacated by an American family with
Shay S. Mason,
Encouragement and Tools for the COVID-19 quarantine - Little Shoots, Deep Roots
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may contain affiliate links. See my full disclosures, Terms of Use, and privacy policies on my "privacy" page. I never recommend a product I don't love. Hey friend, I know you’ve been flooded with COVID-19 emails, blog posts, and...
Christie Thomas,
From rock bottom to recovery: A journey of redemption
In the midst of a bustling subway, a helpless man stands as a symbol of desolation. The train's vibrations mimic his heartbeat, echoing the life he once knew. Boarding the train, he observes others' lives, feeling invisible amidst the crowd. Reflecting on his lost dreams and unfulfilled potential, he battles...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
The Serenity of Silence, Solitude, and Stillness
Sharing thoughts for a serenity summer previously, I feel a beckoning within my own soul for the serenity of silence, solitude, and stillness.
Donna Bucher,

Group of Brands