Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
We Have the Way, Let’s Enter In
Where is New Jerusalem and how do we get there? This question parallels a discussion in John 14:1-6. Jesus told His disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them and said, “where I am goi…
Don Martin,
Den HELIGE ANDE är också GUD och del av treenigheten
Den helige Ande är sänd av Fadern och sonen för att arbeta i våra hjärtan, och han överbevisar världen om synd. Han fyller de kristnas hjärtan med sin närvaro och är en stor hjälp för oss så att vi…
Annika Björk,
What is Holy Spirit Conviction? - Damon J. Gray
It sure is a good thing Jesus went away. I know that to be true, because he said so. I was reading in John 16 this morning, pondering Jesus’ monologue to the disciples. He is about to die, knows it, and considering that reality, is pouring his heart out to the disciples. In John 16:5,…
Damon J. Gray,
Is the HOLY SPIRIT also GOD?
The Holy Spirit is sent by the Father and the Son to work in our hearts, and to reprove the world of sin. He fills the christian hearts with his presence, and he is a big aid for us to live holy li…
Annika Björk,
The HOLY SPIRIT is also GOD and part of the TRINITY and the Godhead
The holy Spirit in the New Testament is a translation of hagios pneuma (Strong’s 40 and 4151, respectively), and He is sent to us by the Father and the son, to be our Helper and to reprove t…
Annika Björk,

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