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True Repentance: It's Obvious! - Divorce Minister
“What happens with leaders often in these situations is that they give you one paragraph of acknowledgement of wrong, and 6 paragraphs of how they are a victim. If I’m counselling an adulterous man, and he sits in front of me and all he talks about is his wife, I know that man is far … Continue reading “True Repentance: It’s Obvious!”
David Derksen,
"I had an emotional affair. Should I tell my husband?" - Divorce Minister
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” -Luke 6:31, NIV “I had an emotional affair. Should I tell my husband?” Sometimes my analytic software that tracks my traffic gives me phrases people use that lead them to this blog. A version of the above question was one a day or so … Continue reading ““I had an emotional affair. Should I tell my husband?””
David Derksen,
Dear DM, What about adult children and adultery? - Divorce Minister
Dear Divorce Minister, Thank you for your blog, it helps put into words the things I feel as a faithful spouse. I have been following the social news from my country and one of the articles contains a screenshot of a Pastor and businessman, who has been in the public eye and who has presented … Continue reading “Dear DM, What about adult children and adultery?”
David Derksen,
PSA: "Platonic" friendships don't need hiding! - Divorce Minister
“This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’” -Proverbs 30:20, NIV Public Service Announcement: People Don’t Hide “Platonic” Friendships! Until one is in such a situation, one might never think about this commonsense principle. Innocent people usually act like innocent people. Guilty people … Continue reading “PSA: “Platonic” friendships don’t need hiding!”
David Derksen,
- Booty and Treasures fer All!
if we claim we have not sinned, we make God out to be a liar
Eddie Jones,
Mailbag: Is there forgiveness without divorcing again? - Divorce Minister
Dear Divorce Minister, So I remarried and my circumstances aren’t clear. If I think I’ve sinned in doing so, is there forgiveness without divorcing again? I’m curious your toughts [sic]. -Sean Dear Sean, Since I do not know the circumstances surrounding the question, I am going to have to make some assumptions and give you … Continue reading “Mailbag: Is there forgiveness without divorcing again?”
David Derksen,
I would want to know... - Divorce Minister
Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight. -Proverbs 12:22, KJV Along with stories reporting the exposure of Ashley Madison‘s client information–i.e. adultery seekers’ info–I have seen some things cautioning against looking at these lists as well as bemoaning the exposure as destroying marriages. Such reasoning infuriates … Continue reading “I would want to know…”
David Derksen,
When Sin in Darkness Hides
The concept of privacy dramatically impacts modern life and human spirituality. Personally, I enjoy my privacy. I have a privacy fence in my backyard and tend to keep the window shades down rather than up. However, I have been thinking about pondering lately the origin of privacy and the reason for our visceral reaction whenever our privacy is challenged or breached. What does our passionate defense of personal privacy say about us? Legally, privacy was first recognized as a constitutional ri...
Cole Feix,
Pastoral Resource: Addressing Adulterous Situations - Divorce Minister
Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may … Continue reading “Pastoral Resource: Addressing Adulterous Situations”
David Derksen,
We Are Hated for Truth - Damon J. Gray
Taking a stand for Christ, for truth, for righteousness will make a target out of a Christ-follower more quickly than anything else. Any Christ-follower who would deign to verbally, publicly stand against sin must be prepared for an inevitable onslaught of back-pressure from the evil one. The world is not friendly toward Christ-followers, and at…
Damon J. Gray,

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