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Jesus In The Path Of The Samaritan Woman
When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” — John 4:7 NIV The noonday sun was scorching. Jesus has been traveling for hours by then, and H…
Paula Short,
Messy Pages Make Beautiful Masterpieces - Sharon Jaynes
Everyone loves a good story. But not everyone likes their own story. I wouldn’t have written my childhood story the way it now appears on the page.
Sharon Jaynes,
God is Pursuing You
I think God made sure this story was included for every woman who has ever felt less than because of rejection, discrimination, or a sullied reputation. And for you…and for me. God’s pursuit began in the Garden of Eden with the words, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9) and continued with the words “He had to go through Samaria.” Listen closely. They continue even now.He pursues you still.Jesus, thank You for pursuing me. I am caught. I am loved. It is forever. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Sharon Jaynes,
God is Pursuing You
I was in college when I met my husband at a Bible study. He was sitting on the floor dressed in scruffy jeans, a red flannel shirt, and a strong face that needed a shave. The moment I saw him, I was smitten. But I didn’t want him to know that. Steve finally asked me out on a date, and several more followed. One night, Steve said, “Will you go with me to all the rest of the football games for the rest of the year?” “I’m not going to answer that question,” I cavalierly responded. “You’ll have to ask me each week.”
Sharon Jaynes,
God is Pursuing You
I think God made sure this story was included for every woman who has ever felt less than because of rejection, discrimination, or a sullied reputation. And for you…and for me. God’s pursuit began in the Garden of Eden with the words, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9) and continued with the words “He had to go through Samaria.” Listen closely. They continue even now.He pursues you still.Jesus, thank You for pursuing me. I am caught. I am loved. It is forever. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Sharon Jaynes ,
God is Pursuing You - Sharon Jaynes
This woman, pursued by God, dropped her water bucket, and ran back to town to tell the very people she had avoided about Jesus. Her story holds great promise for any woman who has ever tried to fill the hole in her heart with relationships but come up empty. It is for every single one of us who has ever felt less than because we were tossed away, or others were chosen, and we were not.
Sharon Jaynes,
How the king evaluates his people (Matthew 25:34-46)
Our criteria don’t match his. We’ve been celebrating how the world will be when Christ’s kingship extends to all the people of the world, when all the nations are under his reign. This is what finally brings peace, resolving every conflict. How does he achieve that goal? His Father, our...
Allen Browne,
A Life-Changing Conversation
Evangelism is never easy. Talking to a stranger is hard enough on its own. Steering that conversation onto matters of sin, judgment, and salvation is more intimidating still, for many Christians. But that was never the case for our Lord. Jesus incarnate was a master at breaking the conversational ice. He engaged everyday people by
John MacArthur,
A Strange Encounter on Sacred Ground
The woman at the well is a familiar figure to most churchgoers. This poor Samaritan woman from John chapter 4 has managed to gain a semi-regular role in many Sunday sermons and Wednesday night Bible studies. She has been held up as a poster child for everything from social justice to stylistic worship preferences. Yet
John MacArthur,
God With Us (Part 2) - Damon J. Gray
Last week, we began our look at “God With Us” by seeing Jesus as the Son of God – God the Son. This week, we continue that study be looking at Jesus as the Son of Man. Son of Man The most prominent way Jesus referred to himself was as the Son of Man, doing…
Damon J. Gray,

Group of Brands