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How God uses the Legacy of Our Ancestors to Draw Us Near to Him: - Intercession For A Generation Blog
What is your legacy or family story? How has God used it to draw you closer to him? Sometimes the best preachers aren’t preachers at all, but they are relativ
Russelyn Williams,
Reinhard Bonnke’s beginnings in Africa
Reinhard Bonnke’s Beginnings in Africa Share good news – Share this page freely Copy and share this link on your media, eg Facebook, Instagram, Emails: Reinhard Bonnke’s beginnings in Africa…
Geoff Waugh,
Is it Us or Them? Seeking a Christian Perspective in Wartime
If you do not believe in Yeshua as the Messiah, this post is not directed to you. It is a reflection of my struggle for a right heart in this current war being fought in Israel. My struggle is with my heart. What should my attitude be toward this war, toward Gaza, toward the Palestinians, toward Ham
Dvora Elisheva,
Commander of the Lord’s Army | Joshua 5
Welcome to Real Life . Whose side are you on? Joshua is ready to launch the campaign for the Promised Land. First stop: Jericho, a walled…
Peggi Tustan,
Late Twentieth Century Revivals: Renewal and Revival
Late Twentieth Century Revivals: Renewal and Revival See also Revivals Index – 1. Eighteenth-Century Revivals: Great Awakening & Evangelical Revivals 2. Early Nineteenth-Cen…
Geoff Waugh,
"Are You For Us...?" — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life
Perhaps our prayer this week should be, “Father … would You be Lord in America? Would You represent us as the Captain? Would You be in charge?”
Carol McLeod,
The king in the cloud (Exodus 13:17-22)
You can’t see God, but you can see the effect of his presence.
Allen Browne,
Greg Boyd and the Commander of the Army of Yahweh – Part 2
This is the second post on the neutrality of the Commander of the Army of Yahweh in Joshua 5:13-15, at the time he met with Joshua as Israel prepared to battle against the king of Jericho and his s…
Claude F. Mariottini,
The Awe-Inspiring Angel of the Lord in Scripture and His 7 Attributes
Flipping through the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) certainly contains some characters and features that can be tough to wrap our minds around. Take, for instance, the Angel of the Lord. This figure presents us with quite a contradiction. Who is he? It’s worth understanding who this enigmatic angel really was and why it’s still so important to consider him today.
Sue Nelson,
Yeshua the Messiah – the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever
1.0 CONTEXT Philip found Natan’el and told him,“We’ve found the one that Moshe [Moses] wrote about in theTorah, also the Prophets — it’s Yeshua Ben-Yosef from Natzeret!”[John 1:45] The “Torah[Law] and the Prophets” was a title for the Old Testament before the New Testament was written. Philip understood the Old Testament was about Yeshua, which
Samir Stephan Kujur,

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