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Home Base — Ami Loper
Life often threatens to pounce. I am often, way too gullible and unaware that “the game is afoot” and, in my ignorance, get tagged into running and chasing and left huffing and puffing. Learn what tools the Lord offers to keep us from the wearying, out-of-breath life!
Ami Loper,
Home Base — Ami Loper
Life often threatens to pounce. I am often, way too gullible and unaware that “the game is afoot” and, in my ignorance, get tagged into running and chasing and left huffing and puffing. Learn what tools the Lord offers to keep us from the wearying, out-of-breath life!
Ami Loper,
Beating My Head Against the Wall
Last night, I decided to back up the pictures on my iPhone to my laptop to clear out some space on my phone. I must admit it had been quite a while since I had done this — basically because every time I plug my phone into my laptop something horrifying happens. The last time...
Lyli Dunbar,
New Jerusalem is a Spiritual Sign (2)
Revelation is a book with many signs and New Jerusalem is a great spiritual sign. It portrays the building of God with His people to have a corporate expression of Himself. New Jerusalem is this ex…
Don Martin,
Faith: Use It or Lose It
By Greg Laurie – God uses ordinary people. We see how He worked through people exercising their faith to produce amazing things.
Greg Laurie,
When We Sacrifice to The Lord He Exceeds Our Expectations - Intercession For A Generation Blog
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18 One of the major
Russelyn Williams,
What Truths Are You Willing to Die For? - Growing Through God's Word
What is truth? Do you know the truths of your faith? What would you stand on?
Janis Cox,
Casting All Your Care (The Age of Anxiety)
Experts say that history will call us, “The Age of Anxiety.” When you read Philippians 4:6, “Be anxious for nothing”, do you read this as a command or as a suggestion? If the Bible is c…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Casting All Your Care (The Age of Anxiety)
Experts say that history will call us, “The Age of Anxiety.” When you read Philippians 4:6, “Be anxious for nothing”, do you read this as a command or as a suggestion? If the Bible is c…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Your Berean Battle Plan: Remain
The following blog post was originally published on August 17, 2015.—ed. If your Christian life is devoid of persecution, hardship, and fighting against false teaching, then you probably need to re-evaluate your faith (John 15:20;2 Corinthians 13:5;2 Timothy 2:3;Jude 3-4). The race we are called to inHebrews 12:1–2is not run on the path of least
John MacArthur,

Group of Brands