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March 5 Bible Reading Plan - Denise Pass
What is your truth? Is it THE truth? We live in a time not too different from the time of Judges, where each one does what is right in his own eyes. But God did not give us truth and save us so we would revert back to religion. He saved us so we could know Him and make Him known, living according to His truth, which is THE truth.
Denise Pass,
When Right is Wrong - Denise Pass
Who can discern what is right when we ourselves are in the wrong?
Denise Pass,
A Conscience Captive to God's Word
Thispost was first published during April 2014. –ed. When Martin Luther was summoned to the Diet of Worms in 1521 and asked to recant his teaching, he replied: Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason, my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything, for
John MacArthur,
Israel Had No King | Judges 18-21
Fighters from ISIS march in Raqqa, Syria (Associate Press file photo) Welcome to Real Life . Who am I following? Who am I leading? Ir…
Peggi Tustan,
Our Civic Responsibility — House of David Ministries
Yeshua told us: “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” (John 18:36) . What a powerful statement. If Yeshua’s Kingdom is not of this world, then ours is not eith
Eric M. Teitelman,
Our Civic Responsibility From a Biblical Perspective — House of David Ministries
Yeshua told us: “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” (John 18:36) . What a powerful statement. If Yeshua’s Kingdom is not of this world, then ours is not eith
Eric M. Teitelman,
The Absolute Essentials
BENT, BROKEN, UNBOWED The Ten Commandments for Today INTRODUCTION “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit” (Judges 17:6, NIV). When it comes to our attitude to The Ten Commandments, this statement pretty much tells the story. Influenced by society’s lack of moral and ethical values based on the unchangeable absolutes of Scriptures, even believers have developed the habit of looking at the instructions of Scripture with a “take-it-or-leave-it” attitude, or a “bend-it-as-far-
Lynda Schultz,
The Absolute Essentials
BENT, BROKEN, UNBOWED The Ten Commandments for Today INTRODUCTION “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit” (Judges 17:6, NIV). When it comes to our attitude to The Ten Commandments, this statement pretty much tells the story. Influenced by society’s lack of moral and ethical values based on the unchangeable absolutes of Scriptures, even believers have developed the habit of looking at the instructions of Scripture with a “take-it-or-leave-it” attitude, or a “bend-it-as-far-
Lynda Schultz,
How the resurrection of God’s anointed changes everything (1 Corinthians 15:3–4)
“The resurrection changes everything.” That’s the message we hear as we celebrate Easter. What do we mean? Was this really the point in history when everything began to turn around, when God began …
Allen Browne,

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