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The Reason for the Rocks
Your story matters. It matters to the people God brings across your path, and to the generations that follow. Don’t hide your story, no matter how sordid it may be. Nothing is ever wasted as long as we don’t keep it to ourselves.
Sharon Jaynes,
The Reason for the Rocks...Why Your Story Matters - Sharon Jaynes
Your story matters. It matters to the people God brings across your path, and to the generations that follow. Don’t hide your story, no matter how sordid it may be. Nothing is ever wasted as long as we don’t keep it to ourselves. People need to know how God brought you through your own personal Jordan River and onto the other side. Your story may be just the thing God uses to help someone get through theirs.
Sharon Jaynes,
3 Reasons That Cause Us To Fall Spiritually - Raising Zion
Do you not feel like praying or reading the Bible? Is it boring to you? Do you lack the joy you had as a believer? Here are three clear reasons that need immediate attention in our lives.
Nehemiah Zion,
Teaching Children About Jesus: Power of Your Living Testimony
Many children who have been raised in the church are walking away from God. Teaching children about Jesus needs to include a living testimony.
Julie Brow-Polanco,
Studies on the Book of Judges
The book of Judges deals with a period in the history of Israel which some scholars call the “dark age.” The reason scholars use this description to identify this period in the history of Israel is…
Claude F. Mariottini,
The Book of Ruth
The book of Ruth is a beautiful love story. It is the love story of a Hebrew man and a Moabite woman. It is the story of forbidden love. The story of Ruth and Boaz is a story of forbidden marriage …
Claude F. Mariottini,
Gideon: Against All Odds
Today I begin a series of studies on Gideon, one of the judges of Israel. This series of studies will be done in cooperation with my pastor, Jeff Griffin, Senior Pastor of The Compass Church in Nap…
Claude F. Mariottini,

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